Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Making progress

The dealer finally called me at 5:30. Did I mention that while I was waiting yesterday I checked my credit score through my credit card website? 838. Can't do much better than that. I don't even know what it was 12 years ago, when we filed bankruptcy, but very glad to overcome that and be back into excellent credit rating.

So, as an unexpected bonus, we got a $2000 incentive rebate on the car purchase, so that was good news. I could have gotten 0% interest at 36 months, but that was pushing my payment beyond what I wanted or was comfortable with (at least on a monthly basis being locked in to it). While I'm hoping to make those kind of payments, it's not likely I will be able to do that every month, as other emergencies pop up (and of course they will), so I went with the low interest 60 month. I emailed him a copy of my auto insurance card and he says he will do up the paperwork for me to electronically sign today. He seemed in no rush, but I told him that while it's most likely dd/sil will pick up the car for us on Saturday, it's also just as likely dh will see dry roads on the cameras and head over with his truck and trailer to pick it up, so I'd rather get it all done asap, so we have options. He is supposed to email me the info to do the wire transfer, but I haven't seen it yet.

Though unlikely that dh will be doing that - this mornings traffic alert is a semi roll over accident on the pass nearest us. That pass has been an absolute nightmare for travelers this winter. This is happening at least weekly, if not more often. Or its happening on the freeway right near us. There have been constant crashes in the early mornings because it's below freezing and icy and they are all just going too fast.

For now the plan is dd/sil will drive down to the dealer on Saturday and pick it up. As dd said, it should be a quick stop there as no paperwork and she doesn't need the "speel" of the walkthru on the car and how it all works, since she just bought the same car. It should be handing them the keys and that's it. Then hopefully we get some dry sunny days over the 460 miles between us and them and the roads on the 3 passes dry out.

Of course, I'm not holding my breath that he'll get the paperwork done today. He'll have some excuse why it didn't get done. I mean really, how long does it take to draw up a finance contract on a computer these days? It's been almost 20 years since I bought a car from a dealer, but with technology these days, it should be just a matter of entering my info and the cars info and the $ info and there's the contract ready to print out or email to sign. Obviously they do this all the time. Take a half hour and devote it to getting mine done!

I'm sure there are those out there who thinks dh is just being a big baby about not wanting de-icer all over a brand spanking new car. Ok - well here is what de-icer did to our driveway when a guy parked there for not more than 15 minutes, when he stopped by to pick up some construction stuff dh was giving him! Just ate up the concrete right up, while the crap dripped down off his car. So much for our nice concrete driveway pad.




  1. No, I don't think he is being a big baby. I also know better than to buy a car driven in the North!

    1. dh despises the de-icer chemicals they put on the roads

  2. I took my car in for a car wash just recently, and I have to rust proof it (have yet to do so) winter is such a nightmare on the car!

    1. it sure is. we, of course, know winter is going to happen to it as the years go by, but boy, sure don't want to do that to it right off the bat!

  3. How will you avoid de-icer when driving the vehicle? Just wondering? We buy a monthly unlimited car wash pass for winter months here in Ohio & I put my Acura MDX through several times a week to make sure it gets a good under wash to get all of that crap off (de-icer, salt, etc.) Definitely worth the $.

    1. We realize we aren’t going to avoid it. Just don’t want our brand new car pulling in our driveway for the first time to see it and it’s covered in it. We will also do underwashes at the car wash but we are almost 50 miles from a car wash so it’s not something we will be able to do that often.
