Wednesday, February 9, 2022

The longest car purchase in history

I get the call at 3:30 from a lady at the dealership that she is getting ready to email the e-sign document. Shortly after, it arrives. Yay! Not so fast. The link opens to an error message that says contact the dealer for assistance. She says to try using a different browser, that usually does the trick, or try it from my phone email, if I have that. I tried 2 more browsers and my phone. Nope. Then she got back into the document to resend me and it's all froze up and won't let her do anything with it. Plus she said I was also supposed to get a text notifying me about the e-sign, which I did not. So, she's working on it...might not be able to re-do it until tomorrow morning now. I also told her to send it to a different email I have. Maybe it's my email that is causing the problems the last 2 days (though it's working for everything else) SEE??!!! This is why you don't wait until the last day to get important stuff taken care of!

Remember the FedEx package that was delivered Sunday "at the gate" but we couldn't find it? Well, dh found it Tuesday. It was at our first gate (the one that goes to the big shop door). That gate doesn't have any walk through on either side and it's locked. They just dropped the box over the gate at one end. Well, with the snow built up from plowing, we couldn't see it from standing in the driveway nor when I did actually look to see if there was a box next to the gate when I drove out on Sunday. They have never left it there before, but glad it's found. Luckily not weather damaged at all. It was just dishwasher tabs and shampoo.

Curious, after reading posts about inflation and higher food costs by fellow bloggers at Intrepid Debt Blog and A Dime at a Time, I decided to do a little comparison from 1 year ago prices for a Walmart grocery order compared to day. I had the prices of each item from February 2021 and looked them up for Walmart's current price today. In total 18% higher than 1 year ago. Ouch! I did notice that Walmart has done well on most most of it's Great Value brand items to keep prices the same. Most of their items were the same as a year ago, the milk and a couple things were a little higher. It's all the other, brand name, items that went up. If I just calculated the percentage increase on the brand name items it was a bit over 20% increase. That's a bit of a hurt on the budget, to be sure. I don't recall what we were paying for a gallon of gas a year ago. Seems like it was at least a $1/gallon less than it is now, that's at least a 40% increase. I just got notification that my mom's monthly rent is going up $250 per month, in 8.5% increase. Of course more than her social security increase was. Luckily she can easily absorb it, but what do those on fixed incomes do with something like that?




  1. I hope today is the day! I don't shop at WalMart but it so so sad to see places raise prices when they don't always need to. I find for your mom's place that is a hefty raise! Even DollarTree raised prices which, they did not need to because their profit margins are super high!!

    1. I'm sure the grocery prices going up is every grocery store, probably more than Walmart, who like I said appears to be doing a good job keeping their brand from increasing. I might have to try even more of their store brand items. I see my garbage service went up another $2 a month (every year it seems).
