Friday, February 25, 2022

New phone love and work

My new iphone 11 arrived a day early, so I got it set up after dinner last night. It seemed harder for me to figure out how to do this time. I remember last time (3 1/2 yrs ago) there were several options on how to back up your old phone first and I had chosen the "Verizon cloud" method and it all went easy. This listed this option among the 3, but then no instructions on how to back it up to that! Then it made it sound like if my old phone had ios 11 or new and bluetooth enabled (it did) I could just set my old phone next to the new one and it would transfer, but it failed at that.

I ended up doing the itunes back up, but even that the instructions on Verizon's website weren't quite matching what I was seeing in itunes, but it backed my phone up and I verified that it did. Then plugged in the new one and it restored the back up to it. All was good. Whew! The only issues I had to figure out was getting my work email to sign back in. We use some kind of "microsoft authenticator" and it wouldn't let me get the code, because I then couldn't figure out how to get signed into the authenticator, LOL. Took a bunch of tries, but finally I got it all working, as well as our "Teams" app we use to communicate with at work. All my other apps seemed to load fine and I didn't have to re enter any passwords. 

The phone takes MUCH better pictures. Now, in the evenings when the light is low in the house, I can take a good picture. I was missing out on a lot of cute cat and dog pics and videos in the evenings because my phone camera and video quality was so bad. The battery life also seems much better.

DH's phone is on backorder and supposed to ship in a couple of weeks. I think I'll be ok to transfer his phone myself, like I did mine. I have an itunes log in for him and can back his up the same way on my computer and then restore the backup to the new phone. It'll probably all go a lot faster, now that I know more how to do it. Of course there is going to be a difference in using the 11 compared to our 6 and 7. There is no home button on the 11, but it's taken me no time to get used to it and I actually like it better. I also think backing our phones up to itunes every so often is probably a good idea, too.

Our neighbors stopped by Wednesday to drop off some home made bread she made, as a thanks for dh plowing their driveway when they were on their little trip. It's a wheat bread and she already sliced it all nice, too. I had it for toast at lunch yesterday and it was good. I think she said there are even carrots in it.

Along with dd getting her nice raise and bonus, her dh also got notified of his. He got a 6% raise and a $6,000 bonus. (they work for the same large company). I'm sure now, between the 2 of them they are making over $200k a year combined. I have a strong feeling they are going to start moving forward with their plans to buy some property and build a house.

This morning there was an email from my company's owner that a long time employee is leaving. With a company of about 55 employees, it's really starting to get where not many of us who have been around awhile are left. So many new hires in the past 2 years. We've never had this kind of employee turnover as we've had the past couple of years. Apparently this guy, (same as the last lady who left) is going into a different industry. Not working in an office anymore I don't see/hear about internal problems, but makes me wonder what it is that is making these people leave, whether it's to a competitor or to another industry. I mean, yes they said he "wants to pursue other interests" (standard line) but what made him want to do that after working at our company for 12 years. I've been making an effort to try to connect as much as I can with some of the new employees, but some positions in our company I really just have no interaction with or rarely. Last week I did end up talking to one of our guys, who got hired after I moved over here, for a couple of phone calls and emails. It was nice being able to talk to him and he seemed like an awesome guy. The order we were working on he ended up sending me the info in a nice spreadsheet and I made sure to pass on to my boss how nice and organized his work was.

So, at least I feel like I know him better now, whereas before he was just a name. I do have a bit more contact with our hourly employees (we only have 6) because I will have to often contact them about a time punch on their timecard. One new guy is very chatty and friendly and we have gotten to know each other a bit, too. He's 30, single, and wanting to buy his first house....only even a complete run down dump of a house is going for $500,000. I suggested maybe he start with a condo or townhouse. At least that would get him in something a bit cheaper and out of renting and building some equity that he can later use to help get into a house. He said that's what he was thinking, too. 

When I worked at the office (even though I was only there part time 2-3 days a week) I of course got to know everyone who was new, for the most part. Much harder to do with me (and everyone pretty much) remote. We have one guy (our marketing guy) who is in charge of sending out a company wide email if it's someone's birthday. I have started sending the birthday person an email saying Happy Birthday - hope you have a wonderful day, even if I don't know them, LOL. I used to just do it for the one's I knew best.


  1. Congrats to DD and DSIL! And good job on the new phone transfer. As for your work, it makes sense folks are leaving in these last few years. No raises, no encouragement, probably no thanks for continuing to work there. Folks need money to live! There is no drive to stay with the same place anymore, and I don't blame folks.

    1. I wish I knew more what was causing so many to leave our company. I'm sure it's just a variety of reasons, but could also be due our new company president change. Maybe just not a good fit for this guy who's leaving - who knows.

  2. Congratulations to your daughter and son-in-law. From things you've written on your blog in the past, I've always wondered whether your daughter graduated from the same university where I was an econ professor from 1988-2015. If you google the home page for her university, does it say "Make Waves" on the top left?

    1. Well, yes it does ;). She really liked going there, even though she was only there 2 years, since she had done the running start program at high school. She went there 2014-2016

  3. Could be your guy is completely revaluating his life since Lockdown and thinking about a new career that he never ever would have considered before all this. Covid has really made us all sit up and think.

    1. I think he's going back to the industry (sort of related to ours) that he was in before he came to our company.

  4. I am still trying to know my new phone. The Verizon guy who was a jerk said my phone would not transfer date with blue tooth. I said, "Funny because it was set up that way." So, out of shame, I suppose, he did.

    I am not an employee, but certain places like the bank, I like to keep a relationship with the people I deal with. It seems to make things go more easily when I have a problem. I cannot imagine working with people and not knowing them.

    1. there are some people who work at my company who I just have no reason to have contact with as our jobs don't intersect. The bigger the company is, the more this is true. We have several employees who work out in the field and are rarely in the office and what they do has nothing to do with what I do, so about the only time I'd see them is at a company meeting.

  5. Enjoy your new phone! Looking forward to kitty and eagle pictures. A lot of people are changing jobs these days over here too. Some people want to work only remote jobs from now on.

    1. it's making me start to wonder if there might now be a better paying remote job out there for me.

  6. Congratulations to your daughter and SIL on doing so well! As for people leaving the company, if it's true how difficult it is to recruit at the moment, maybe they have been offered more $$$ and better conditions. It is intriguing though isn't it!
