Thursday, February 17, 2022

Just speechless

Wow. I don't even know what to say. Just speechless. I'm still trying to get back to having a working computer at my side job office. And today their office manager guy is telling me that the accounting software program was not on their server (AS IT SHOULD HAVE BEEN!). It was just on that computer...all by itself...with no back up. Their IT company is trying to see if they can recover anything from the hard drive, but that takes time and let's face it - highly unlikely they'll get much off of it. 

I really don't think their office guy is even grasping the magnitude of this, if the file is gone. He said their IT is getting a new computer put together I can remote into and they also need to get the download for the accounting software, so they can reinstall it. I said "it's going on the server now, right?!" He was trying to figure out how to download the program because he doesn't have our license/registration info for it. Well, don't you think I might be the one to ask for that information?

So, I emailed him how to access our software license/registration online, which also, once signed in has all our registration/license info and also a link to download their latest version. I also explained that having the software reinstalled does me NO good, if I don't have our "company file" from the computer that crashed. That is the file I need to restore all the company's financial data saved on it for the past 13 years. When I am using the program it constantly saves to this file, automatically. That is the main "backup"...and then of course wherever you have the program itself residing, that should be getting all backed up regularly. Only they didn't.

The only time I pretty much ever create a back up copy is once a year, when I upload it to their CPA to do their tax return. So, the last version I did that with was a year ago, when I sent everything for them to do 2020. If they can't get anything off the hard drive so that we don't lose any data, well, I guess there will be ALL of 2021 that needs to be re entered! I don't even want to think about it, or how long it would take. 

Then office mgr guy just called and said they were able to get that company file off the hard drive - they just don't know yet if it's damaged or not. Once they finish getting the software installed on the server, they can try to restore that file. Fingers crossed and praying!! If it is all good, well they got VERY LUCKY!


  1. Could people lose jobs over not having all the parts in place to prevent this? I know it won't be you. But, aren't their people hired whose job this is? Will you be given extra hours/pay to get all this information re-entered?

  2. This could be a real nightmare. Wow!
