Saturday, February 12, 2022

Saturday happenings

I got a bunch accomplished for my main job Friday morning and the latest financial reports to my boss around 1pm. I decided to take my lunch hour and a little extra time and get some year end work done for my side job so I can finish up their 2021 stuff for their CPA. Except I couldn't get logged in remotely. Ugh. I waited a bit and tried again. This time it actually logged in to my desktop, but instantly disconnected. Then the next try it wouldn't log in at all, back to the error message. I tried this a few more times over the next 20 minutes or so and the same thing kept happening.

I put in an email to the side job's IT company help desk and it took them over an hour to respond, with a "did you try shutting your computer off and trying again? If that doesn't work let me know when is a good time to call you". So, I tried that and that did not fix the problem either so I emailed right back and said call me anytime. He finally called at 5:30 my time and determined the machine at the office was turned off and just needed to be turned on. I was a bit skeptical as 2 of the times I logged in, it did make it into the computer/desktop there, and then instantly disconnected. Are you sure? Ok, fine. Of course no one was at the office, even thought it was still 4:30. Everyone was remote. I did get a hold of one gal who answered their main line and she said she would let the person know who will be there on Monday about it. So, I did not get to utilize the couple of hours I had allocated to get my side job work done. Frustrating.

DH frequents a car guys forum where they discuss lots of topics, in addition to cars. One of them being this potential truckers convoy being planned for the US, supposedly first of March. He though it wouldn't hurt if we stock up on even more stuff for our pantry, just in case it turns into a delay in goods to stores, so since Walmart thankfully is back to having lots of pick up time slots again, I put in another order this morning and we will run into the city tomorrow and pick it up, as well as get some lunch at Wendy's drive through. With my groceries (and stocked up on some stuff) last week and then again this week, we should be very tied over for a couple months, except for milk, which I tend to go through in a week or two, with what I can fit in my fridge.

DD and SIL just picked up our car and are on the way back to their house. I think they were only at the dealer about 20 minutes max, so that's good. One more step closer to getting the car :)  They have a nice sunny day, too, no rain. We are supposed to get more snow on our closest pass (and maybe even here) starting Monday for a couple days.

I had my Walmart order done, my time slot picked and thought I had already placed the order this morning. I went to add an item I forgot, just now and realized no, I didn't place it! Now my time slot is gone, so I had to pick noon. oh well. I think I got distracted when dd messaged they were on their way to the dealer and then dh got up and I went downstairs. I guess good thing for the additional item or I wouldn't have known I didn't place the order yet.

Yesterday the cat started having one eye closed or almost closed. No runny eye or goopy eye. Not sure what is going on. He seems better with it today, but still doesn't have that eye quite as open as the other one. I guess he'll have to tough it out until Monday, if it's something the vet will have to look at, because they aren't open on weekends.

The bald eagles appear to be getting ready to lay eggs. I was watching through the telescope this morning and one was in the nest busy poking around. Then the other one flew in carrying a huge stick that he/she got placed just where they wanted it, LOL. Hopefully in about 12 weeks there will be a baby eaglet or two up in there.


  1. So, the eagles came back after the guy chased them away? Or is this a new pair.

    1. after the guy finally stopped shooting all the time, we started seeing them a little more often at their nest. Gradually we've been seeing them more often and the past couple of months are now seeing them daily again.

    2. it's probably the same pair, but not certain.

  2. Have you tried freezing milk? It freezes well... google for more info.

    1. I always forget about that! I have tried freezing chocolate milk and it was fine. Haven't tried white milk. It sure takes forever to thaw out in the fridge though.

    2. So we freeze milk (I am Canadian) and it comes in bags. What we do, is we have one bag for use, and then when it gets close to finishing we defrost the next set! So once you're sure to defrost the night before it runs out, should be ok!

  3. Bald eagles are a nuisance here in the PNW! They will swoop and grab chickens. (Our coop and run is under trees, so they don't really have enough room to do that here.) They sure are gorgeous, though. I never tire of seeing them--unless, of course, my chickens are in the yard!

    1. The eagles are one of the reasons my 4 hens our in an enclosed coop. Also one of the reason we aren't letting the cat outdoors until he's bigger.

  4. oh I hope kitty's eye is ok!! And the eagle news is very exciting!

    1. the eye is better, it seems. I hope it stays that way.
