Wednesday, February 9, 2022

It never ends

I guess some things are just destined to be a pain in the butt, no matter how hard you try to prepare and stay on top of it all. What can go wrong seems to be, which is EXACTLY why I HATE waiting until last minute to take care of important things!!

My banks cut off to do a wire that day is 3pm. I'm constantly checking my emails. At about 3:30 I see something in my spam folder. It's an email he replied back to that he got my insurance card. WTH?! why is this in my spam folder? Then about 4:10 another email pops into my spam folder with the wire instructions.

So, there was an attachment in the email with the wire instructions...only I can't open the file. It's some .ink extension file and the file name says "shortcut to ...". My guess is he was trying to attach the pdf file and in error just attached his shortcut link from his computer. I replied right back that I'm sorry, but I'm not able to open the file. 

About half hour later he calls, wondering if I got his wire transfer email he sent? well, yes, just about a half hour ago and I emailed you back that I can't open it. He said that's strange - he emailed that the evening before, after we got off the phone! I said well it was strange that all of a sudden your last 2 emails ended up in my spam folder, when nothing has before. It took almost 24 hours to get to my spam folder. Great. He said he has had this problem before, and it appears to be on his end, he will have to contact his email provider. He tried to re-attach the document and resend it to my email, also cc'ing another email address I have, just to make sure I get it. I got neither email. I tried to forward his last email to my other email address and it came back "permanent error". Definitely something wrong on his end. He then said he would text me a picture of the wire transfer instructions, which he finally did about a half hour later. 

I am ready to call the bank when they open this morning and get that done! Hopefully he will send the documents to sign today. It sounds like that will come via Docusign, so I'm hoping no issues getting the email.

DH came to bed last night saying he just read that Ford is stopping production at like 3 plants, one of them being where our car was just produced. So, really sounds like it was a good thing we ordered ours when we did. That's also very bad news for all those people's jobs and most likely our economy, again.


  1. It seems the chip shortage is responsible for the shutdowns. I looked online just now. I certainly hope you get this strange glitch straight soon. If it is not one thing, it is another!

    1. that's what I was just reading, too. We'd better get that car paid for and signed before he sells it to someone else for more money! LOL.

  2. My husband works in the car industry and it is rough right now no matter the make. We're hoping he can hold on through goal retirement, the end of December 2023.

  3. You bought just in time! I was looking to buy used late last year and the prices are astronomical. Hopefully everything is ready for weekend pickup by DD

    1. It appears we did. It better be all taken care of by Saturday, still nothing sent for me to sign yet.

    2. Ugh ! Hope it gets sorted asap.
