Friday, February 18, 2022

Get this week over with

To say I'm glad it's Friday is an understatement, LOL. Though I will be very busy during my lunch break today and this weekend getting back to my side job, now that I can. 

With this little vacation we will be doing in June, I emailed the person listed in our "welcome email" that handles the hotel reservation, if you want to upgrade or add days. I emailed that I wanted to add the next night. I got an email back from someone at the hotel, saying there weren't any of the same rooms left for the next night, but they can do a 1 bedroom suite for $309 for that night, or if we don't want to have to change rooms during the stay we can book it for both nights. According to their website and the room (standard 2 queen) we get free for the first night was around $300. I emailed her back to say yes, lets do the 1 bedroom suite for both nights, so we don't have to move rooms, and just to clarify, what is my cost to upgrade for the first night that Ford covers? I'm sure it won't be very much, since she's giving us this suite at $309/night. On their website (and Expedia) this suite goes for $454 a night! It looks like we will be very comfortable :)

DD is busy planning their vacation to NC. Miss organized - she's already got all their days planned out, LOL. (I would do the same, haha). They are staying that free night in Asheville and then the remainder of their nights she booked in downtown Charlotte, it sounds like.

Ok, this is what cracks me up about living here where it's cold and snowy. When we were in the city last Sunday getting our groceries, as we're walking back to our car on that beautiful sunny day, it was only like 39 degrees out. Everyone is out in light sweatshirts or jackets, like it's warm out (us included). It was a nice warm day! LOL. In this mornings Facebook newsfeed is a weather report from the local tv station saying "the light jackets can stay out out a few more days, but get the winter coats ready again". Ya, it's gotta be down in the 20's before we need winter coats around here, LOL. So, more snow coming this weekend - still not getting our new car anytime soon!


  1. The room looks very nice. Makes a vacation so much better when you can get a good deal.
    It's the same here in Canada when the temperature gets to be -5C instead of light jackets some people are breaking out the shorts. We had a dumping of snow last night and I saw a video on our weather channel of a guy snowblowing his driveway in a Hawaiin shirt and shorts.

    1. We haven't gotten much more snow this month and it's been pretty warm for Feb. I don't think we'll get much more but going to be below zero a couple days next week. Plowing in sorts sounds like something our neighbor might do, LOL

  2. DD is very much her mother's daughter by the sounds of it!

    1. She is - with a dose of DH's ocd organizing, haha.

  3. The room(s) look nice! 39 would feel like a heat wave! We've been in the single digits and well below zero for weeks. That, and WAY too much snow. Another 6 inches today.

    1. Is this a record snow year for you or normal?

    2. Average year. Four hours clearing snow again today. I whipped.

  4. I missed where you're going for your holiday break. A Queen bed is one to look forward to. x

    1. I think the one bedroom suite we are upgrading to has a king bed in the bedroom. If it was queen, I'd want one for each of us, LOL.
