Sunday, February 27, 2022

Simple Sunday

I got quite a bit done yesterday, though after getting woke up at 5am by a sick dog and not much sleep after that, I did end up taking a nap after lunch for an hour.

I, of course, mopped the floor. I did some laundry and also made some peanut cookies. I really like this Betty Crocker peanut butter cookie mix. The cookies turn out good and taste really good. Makes about 2 dozen average sized cookies, just a perfect amount.

Then, I got hooked on binge watching Ted Lasso. OMG - what a great show. One of the best shows I've watched in a very long time. Funny, heartwarming and uplifting. All the characters are great. I recommend watching it if you have Apple TV+ or even do the free trial and binge watch it. I think there are 2 seasons.

While our dog ate his breakfast fine, the whole day and evening he was just not feeling well. Just laying there with zero energy. He wouldn't even thump his tail if you'd pet him or talk to him. And he went and laid on the dog bed, which he never uses. We were starting to get worried about him. Finally about my bedtime he started to perk up and seems good this morning,  Most likely he ate deer poop. DH said when they walked to the mailbox on Friday he wandered off a bit and had his nose down on the ground in the snow and didn't want to come when dh called.

Today we pick up our grocery order. I'm going to do a quick stop at mom's and take her some meds to refill one in her dispenser. That's the only thing I don't like about this thing - there is still like 6 weeks of meds and it will start doing a notification every day (on the screen she sees and on my app) that one is running low. It's annoying, especially when you can't reorder yet and it's got lots of pills. I'm not going to call and tell her I'm stopping by. I'm not staying long and I don't need the calls about what time I'm coming and her all worrying about lunch. I'm also going to do the block on her tv remote control so she can't add purchases of HBO and such, LOL.

We're supposed to get more snow, but sounds like later in the day, so hoping it's later and we don't have to drive home in it.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I suppose dogs don't connect what they eat to consequences of eating it! It's easier to me to clean up poop than puke!

  3. Gosh I do hope pup is doing better now. Kids, who'd have em!
