Sunday, February 13, 2022

Another weekend going by too fast

Our new car is safely at dd's house now. SIL drove it home and dd drove theirs back. DD said they have one set of neighbors who are super nosey, so said they are probably wondering what in the heck?! Two brand new Explorers?! LOL. Today SIL and a friend of his are going to install the intercooler. It will be interesting to see how much quicker this install goes, now that he knows exactly what to do and has the extra rivets and such he needs. The unintended funny was when dd sent a picture of the car dash all turned on after they got to their house (it had 4 miles on it when the left the dealer) and the song on the radio said "No Rain". haha.

Kitty's eye was a lot better yesterday, so I'm hoping whatever it was is over with. A couple of times it looked maybe a little bit closed compared to the other eye but he wasn't walking around with it half or closed like Friday.

I finally decided to clean the mess of crap all piled up on the floor in one area of my office. I had a big bin with papers and such overflowing it, with no lid. The rest of the stuff was spread all over on top and around it. One thing as a fairly large box the the "Breeze" litter box, still in the box it came in, that I ended up hating. I asked dd if she could use it (that is the kind she uses for her cat) or wants to take it to try to sell on her local marketplace and she said she will take it, as hers is several years old now, so she'll replace it with this new one. I then asked DH to get me 2 more bins and 3 lids from the shop. I put everything in the bins as well a ended up with a full bag of garbage to take out. The bins are as ugly as hell, but at least looks much neater now. I'm sure I could throw out at least half of all the papers and crap I put in them, but that will take several hours and I wasn't in the mood for that yesterday. I did start shredding a huge stack of old checks to get rid of. Years ago, when we were moving, my side job lady sent me a big stack of checks and didn't realize she had ordered the kind for a dot matrix style printer - didn't even realize they had such a thing anymore LOL. I didn't have a shredder then, so they went into a box, while I was moving. I also want to find/order a bookcase for one part of the wall, so that's next on my list to do.

For some reason my mom's med dispenser did not dispense her evening (cholesterol) pill last evening. We couldn't figure it out over the phone and I'm not going to stress out over 1 cholesterol dose missed. Hopefully, it will work fine for her morning pills, but if for some reason it doesn't dh and I will be in the city to pick up our groceries around noon and I can stop in and fix it then. I just have a feeling she pressed the button to dispense wrong or something. Or it's possible she actually took it! The app showed me a strange message about it "not dispensed but offered manually" but then it shows the "taken" highlighted. It's entirely possible she tried again a half hour later (when she called me) because she thought she hadn't taken it. I'm just not sure what caused the "not dispensed, but offered manually" notification.

After dinner I spent the evening watching some shows on my ipad. I watched a news talk show, then got caught up on last weeks Resident Alien episode and then watched about half of another episode of Reacher on Prime Video. 

I got a pretty good picture of the eagles at the nest in early evening. It helps now that the tree branches are out of the way of the view, LOL.

We also had a flock (is that what they are called?) of ducks sitting in the river, on the other side, in the area that is a bit calmer (a spot the fishermen like to stop their boats and fish, too). So, we are starting to see signs of the season changing.

Ok, so while I have spent time typing out this post, I see my mom's morning meds dispensed fine, so that's a relief. One of the things I will ask my mom's doctor at her next checkup is if she even still needs to be on a statin med in her 80's. From what I read, it's not necessary by then. It's not likely to prolong her life at this point, I wouldn't think.


  1. I love the eagle shot! Glad kitty feels better. As for your mom's meds, I think you're right - does not hurt to ask, maybe even a reduced dose if he thinks the medication is needed.

    1. her next check up is in May, so I will ask then and see what her dr. says about it.

  2. I was trying to shred a load of stuff and my shredder just wasn't up to it so I tried burning it in the composter. Set the composter on fire!!! Oh well. And if I were your daughter I would thoroughly enjoy making their neighbour jealous having two new cars in the driveway!

    1. I filled up the bin in the shredder and the shredder was getting a bit warm so I decided to stop and do more another time. I remember about your burning up the compost!oops!

  3. This weekend has been one of movies since I cannot do anything with my right hand. At least sil did not have to make a trip to store during the installation of the intercooler for the items he needed to install it. I wonder if you can call about the med dispenser to see if this is a problem with the device.

    1. Watch any good movies? I wonder what is wrong with your hand. I have a feeling that when this med dispenser "error" message happens on occasion it's because instead of pressing the button and then pressing one more time to select the "dispense" option she is accidentally maybe pressing the "down" part below and that option is to "refill" and then if you push that you are into the menu system (which I have not found any way to block from her, because then I couldn't fill it when needed).
