Monday, February 21, 2022

Snow day

Kitty won't be climbing any trees today. We got a big snow dump last night and it's still snowing this morning. Probably 9 inches or 10 inches. DH was up at 6 am to get started plowing. Then of course, his stupid "good neighbor" part of his personality starts to kick in and nag at him, and he feels like he should go plow our neighbors driveway.....because they have been out of town since Friday and have a young lady dog sitting and if she needs to get out to go to work, she most likely can't get out of their driveway. You know....the same neighbors who don't give a crap if their dogs are barking non stop or their guests annoy the neighborhood. DH is going to be busy for hours. And it's not going to melt off any time soon with this weeks temperatures.

He is finally doing a little better when I go to bed, the last few nights he's slept for a couple hours at least. Last night he made it until 12:30am when dh came to bed, then he got active. I swear it's like he wants me to take him upstairs. I'm like just go up there yourself, if that's what you want! LOL Then for at least a half hour he sounded like he was tearing my office apart. It sounded like something crashed down loud and I almost got up to go see. But, this morning all I could see amiss was he had knocked some file folders and papers off my desk.

I chatted with my mom around 11:30 yesterday. She had just gotten back to her apartment from going downstairs and getting a cup of coffee and a danish. She does keep busy at least. She couldn't tell me what the dessert/danish was, something pink on top with something else on top, LOL. I said well, whatever it is it sounds delicious. 

Well I see dh is plowing neighbors driveway and the girl left, so not sure if she got out before he started or after. She drove a small older car, so I'm not so sure she could drive through 9 inches on the ground to get out. Mr and Mrs are supposed to be home this evening - they are going to have a long drive over 3 snowy passes and snow here as well. 

I am not feeling the work mood this morning. DH just came inside for a break, after 3 hours of plowing and hasn't even done our driveway yet. He needed a 2nd breakfast, haha. He did get the driveway plowed before neighbors dog sitter left and she thanked him.

Here is a little video of this morning at the eagle's nest




  1. Oh wow, those eagles!!! Lucky you. I also happen to love snow - but not if I have to go out in it. And good on your hubbie for being kind enough to plow your neighbour's driveway. You're not going to change him!

    1. the eagles have been spending a lot of time at the nest the past month or so, so it's been neat to be able to watch them often, again. Hubby won't change being overly helpful

  2. That is a lot of snow. I have only seen that much twice in my life. I don't miss the experience at all. The eagle video was great. Your carrying the cat is part of his bedtime experience, so he is not likely to go "carry me" I think your husband really likes snow removal.

    1. Hopefully kitty outgrows this stage at night, haha. It is a lot of snow. I had gotten a little too excited for spring last week, I guess!

  3. Omg, we had a horrible snow day, and a bird was on the feeder. I wanted to bring it inside and let it overnight! Hopefully the eagles are ok. I am glad DH helped out the dog sitter.

    1. I'm sure the eagles are used to it, haha. But does make you wonder how they deal with it!

  4. Oh so much snow! Isn't it pretty? I doubt we will get any more snow here in Istanbul this year. March dumps some snow usually on cities with higher elevation.

    1. We weren't expecting this much, but oh well. It is what it is when you live here, haha.

  5. I think your cat would love a tall indoor cat tree.
