Saturday, December 31, 2022

New Year's Eve

In my effort to save a few bucks, I realized that the square boxes of tissues I like to buy are twice as much, per tissue, as the long boxes. So I bought long and just did "operation tissue box". I carefully opened up the flaps of my 2 empty square boxes and refilled them from the tissues in the long box. One long box filled up 2 square boxes. I carefully re-taped the flaps and good to go now.

DD and I made some cute candles while she was here. I still have a couple of little glass jars/containers to fill up and I have some leftover candle wax flakes so I'll do that again one of these days. These are the candles we made (2 of each) and then also one other one that dd took with her.

I funded my new Wells Fargo checking account with a direct deposit of $1000 from my paycheck, so I have met the requirements of the account. Now I just have to wait for them to credit me the $325. I do have to leave $500 balance to avoid a $10 monthly fee so I will do that until I get the $325. I may end up keeping this checking and getting rid of my current checking with a local bank in the city. The Wells Fargo is just down the street from that bank, so still convenient to use when needed.

I don't typically do New Years Resolutions as I always fail, LOL, but my goal for 2023 is to start tracking spending on a spreadsheet or something. I want to get a better idea what we are spending on food and misc stuff. There is always so much misc "stuff" purchased. I am hoping that by tracking it, when I go to order something it will make me first think myself, do I really need this? and if so, is there a cheaper option.

My ipad purchase I linked to Capital One shopping rewards and am getting almost $60 back, plus I already have $1.50 from some other purchase(s). When that $60 credits I'm going to cash it in for an grocery store gift card that I can use on groceries, which will be a nice amount to reduce a grocery bill. 

My new ipad arrived via UPS last night, finally at 7:30 LOL.'s sooo much better than that Fire tablet! 1000 times better, LOL. I just got the case ordered from Amazon this morning. I was going to use some of my gift card balance but then saw that I had earned cash back on my Amazon store card. I had gotten the prime free for a month and got 5% back on purchases, so I used that balance towards the case. I'm also glad I went with the 10.2" instead of the mini ipad.

Now that it's light out this morning I can see we got a little bit more snow last night. Thank goodness dh had spent that 20 or 30 minutes getting that ice berm removed from our driveway, as like I said, just a few snows on top of it and we'd then be trying to drive over a foot tall bump within days.

K said the transition to the Depends has gone well, so that is a relief. I did buy 2 large bags at Walgreens, and I think there were 22 in each bag and she said she's using about 2 per day, so enough for a few weeks, until I go back in to see her and will bring more. Certainly don't want to run out of those. 

Well, today the putting away of Christmas is getting done. With 3 trees, and especially the huge one, I'm sure it will take me most of the day.  I have no plans to be up at midnight ringing in the new year. Never do, LOL. I'll be reading a book and going to bed at my normal time.


  1. Those long boxes are expensive and take up a lot of space. I want tissue box covers, something nice, but they are all so expensive, at least the one is like. So, I suppose I will do without.
    I can set up my bank card some way to get rewards. Maybe I should put that on a list of things to do this year.
    It is good the Depends are working out for your mother and she does not object.

    1. The cube boxes are almost twice the cost as the long boxes. I do have a cube tissue box cover in my bedroom that I've had for years. I think I got it at Walmart, so it wasn't very expensive and looks decorative.

  2. My mom also wears the disposable underwear. I order them from WalMart (Depends) and have them shipped directly to them - they are sent discreetly in a brown box. I usually get a few packages in the box, so it's less expensive ordering more - and $35+ is free delivery from WalMart. Just a tip! Happy New Year!

    1. I was just looking online to order from Walmart and see they also have bigger packages. I'm not sure about having them sent to her apartment though, who knows where they'd end up!

  3. Great job. I like the way you brought all the new year focuses.
