Friday, March 4, 2022

Well crap....

Dinner the past 2 nights was spaghetti - with chicken instead of hamburger added to the sauce. Dh loves it. We had just the perfect amount left for leftovers last night. As well, as I had cut the garlic french bread loaf in half and only heated up half the first night and the other half last night.

I'm guessing we will have our new car in the next couple of weeks. Pass roads are much better, though the ones at our nearest pass are having a terrible issue with huge pot holes, even causing tire breakdowns for big trucks on the daily. Again, a condition caused by all the chemicals used on the roads. They keep patching them up, but it's just very short term temporary fixes that are barely holding up for a day or two in this cold weather. DH told dd to come whenever it works best for their schedule. 

I did comment to side job boss that I think it's terrible that a CPA firm doesn't have the latest accounting software version so they can open and view their clients files! She said she was annoyed, too. I guess the main guy who owned the firm retired this past year, so now dealing with different people in charge.

At least it's Friday and almost the weekend. Just the normal plans this weekend. Housecleaning and binge watching tv shows. I don't even have a book to read on my ipad. I've taken a break from reading th past week or so with watching shows. And watching the news, which of course isn't good in any way shape or form. We have no plans to go anywhere this weekend. I should probably finish up my mom's and my tax returns. At least get hers done and filed. I had it mostly done, but was waiting on her credit union tax form and I have that now, so that's all that is left to do.

Oh wonderful - just got a summons to attend jury duty next Friday. I so do not have time for this right now, work is so busy with closing up year end stuff for taxes, etc. Jury duty here is a ridiculous 2 year deal and I only had a couple more months and my 2 years was up. Yes, you read that right - 2  YEARS, not 2 weeks, LOL. Our county rarely has trials, but I have a feeling this is related to one we've been hearing might take place. A county employee fired, who has sued the county. Hopefully I don't get picked.


  1. Just the thought of jury duty ruins my day. Hopefully you won't get picked.
    And yeah, it's that pothole time of the year. Ugh
    Have a good weekend!

    1. I'm hoping it either gets delayed or canceled

  2. Is it grand jury or regular jury duty? Tommy said he was on for a week on regular jury duty. His brother in another state was on grand jury duty for six months, going in every week for six months for a few hours.

    1. just jury duty here in our county courthouse - regular stuff. I've been "on jury duty" for over a year, but this is the first trial they have had in quite a long time, so I haven't actually got called in to see about actually being selected for a trial. We don't have to call in or anything on a regular basis - they just either send a notice or call to let you know there is a trial to select for.

  3. Are you enjoying Resident Alien? I love it!

  4. That is how our local jury duty works as well. Two years of it. Ugh. I'm currently on call for Federal jury duty. Thankfully that is only for 4 weeks but we do have to check in every Friday. Next week marks my second week, and I don't need to appear. The following week I've been partially excused for Board of Review meetings for our local township. Odd that they have you come in on a Friday. Hopefully you don't get picked.

    1. I thought Friday seemed like an odd day, too. Guess I'll find out.
