Saturday, March 5, 2022

Phone fix

We're back from Verizon. I had to wait longer than it took them to actually activate it. We got there at like 10:15 and it was already really busy and I was 5th in line. The tech guy went and put a new sim card in it and then it worked fine. He said for some reason this past week some iphones have not been activating. So, I guess it wasn't anything I did wrong in trying to set it up. It all works now.

I was telling dh that when you walk in they have a greeter with a tablet and they take your name, ph# and why you are there and then you can go wander the store or sit somewhere. The tech that helps the next person always knows who to walk up to. I said to dh I wonder what they write down in their tablet to describe the person? "Lady with white long hair"? LOL

We had brought the dog along for the ride so dh waited out in the car while I was in Verizon. After, we went over to this feed and farm supply store. DH wanted to look at getting a new winter/work type jacket and found one he liked. His old Carhartt was getting worn out and he didn't really like it for snow plowing/shoveling. Plus this new one is probably warmer and also a little more flexible to move in.

Then, as I timed it right, haha, it was lunch time, so we stopped at Wendy's drive through and got lunch and ate it on the drive home.

Now I'm washing sheets and I see dh took his pickup out for a drive. I think now that the roads are all dry today he wanted to test out that new transmission. He never got to test it, as we've had so much snow that he didn't want to drive it. He can't stand to put a dirty truck back in the shop and can't really wash it here at home in the winter time. It shouldn't really get dirty much out driving it today.


  1. Oh excellent! If they ship it to me here, I think they would just have me use my current one BUT good idea to ship with a SIM. It's making me want a new phone, haha.

    1. My understanding is the new iphones come with a sim card already installed/set up for the ph# I purchased it for. But for some reason dh's wouldn't work. With all the iphones I have bought I just backed up the old phone, transferred the info to the new phone and activated it. I never have had to put in a sim card.

    2. That is so interesting. I have had the same sim card for a bit, they can deliver phones here to me but I don;t think it comes with its own sim. BUT phones are sold unlocked here so you can use with any provider. So glad it is all sorted!

  2. I was thinking that Verizon ships new phones with the sim card installed. That turned out to be an easy fix. At least you were able to transfer all his info. :)

    1. yes they do, not sure why the one wasn't working, but showing as activated on Verizon's end. The guy did seem impressed that I got all the info transferred myself, LOL.
