Monday, March 14, 2022

Busy week ahead

We have a tentative date set for Friday for dd and sil to bring over our new car! Wooo! Roads have cleared up and weather looking good so far. They are going to take Friday off work and get here in the afternoon. They are also bringing their friend, ie. our "bonus son", "adopted son" along for the weekend, so should be a good fun weekend for us all. Most likely we'll take them out to dinner on Saturday night. DD said I should make my new enchiladas for Friday, she wants to try them, so that will be easy and I can just make 2 pans of it.

My plan is to take my mom her meds to refill this afternoon (providing they show up!) and then take Friday afternoon off, making it a whole day of vacation time used. Then Friday I can finish any cleaning that needs to be done, which shouldn't be much. I can make some cookies for snacking.

DH is starting to complain about the smell of the litter box again. It's been so good for months now! Ugh. So, yesterday morning I completely cleaned out the litter box and the crate and wiped down the tray in the bottom of the crate. Then I moved the whole crate over to a corner in my office, farther away from the door. Kitty kicks so much litter out onto the tray in the crate. I got a small whisk broom to keep it swept up, but he's terrible about it, so I went online and ordered a different little box that has tall sides to help keep the litter in. It has good reviews for this, so hopefully that will help. It was only $12 w/Walmart online, $6 shipping or free w/$35 order, so I added other stuff I need. Amazon had the same exact thing for $18, so paying for the $6 shipping even though you think you are getting it free w/prime, haha.

Dh moved 4 of the big black storage bins in his den upstairs to the bonus room. Looks somewhat better in there. Then he moved his desk (ie table, lol) against a different wall. If nothing else, it was a good reason to get everything really cleaned and dusted.

I just put in a smallish grocery order with Walmart to pick up this afternoon. If I'm going to be there I might as well stop and get what we need, then I won't need anything next weekend. I also need to stop and get 2 gift cards, one to give dd/sil for all their help and time getting our car for us and one for their friend, who helped SIL put on that intercooler/radiator for us. Hopefully I can get them like at Walgreens or somewhere quick to stop in at, along with a couple of thank you cards.

My mom wants a few things at the store, so when I call her later this morning I'll see if she just wants me to pick up or she'd like to go out. I think I'll suggest going out - it's been awhile since I actually took her out anywhere.


  1. Amazon is definitely not cheap. You need to know prices. Amazon is convenient. They have it all! lol
    I hope the weather holds up & you get your new ride. So exciting!!

    1. I've noticed lately that it's best to compare prices because Amazon is not cheaper anymore on a lot of things.

  2. I forgot to say that if a person is permanently, with no chance of restoring health, 100%, full amount of ss kicks in at any age. I don't know if your husband is 100% disabled.

    1. We applied (many years ago) and they denied. We appealed and they denied saying he could work 2 hours per day, so we didn't fight it with an attorney. There are some other factors that also made it so he wasn't eligible, after he got worse a few years later. He was self employed, but not incorporated so his business losses he was able to claim the last few years before he got sick then he didn't pay anything into SS, so by the time he was really bad, it had been quite a few years, between the losses on our income tax return/nothing paid into ss(we weren't even thinking of that at the time) and then not working at all, by then he didn't have enough "credits" to qualify for disability.
