Friday, March 25, 2022


TGIF. I'm almost where I want to be with what's done for work, overall. I just sent my boss the year end December 2021 preliminary financials on Wednesday. She always ends up making some year end adjustments/write offs and then we get it to our CPA, who always has filed an extension and does our tax return in August, LOL. I looked back and last year I didn't get this to her until April 29th, so I'm more than a month ahead on it this year. Still not quite where I want to be. At the end of this month I had hoped to have January done. I can only be about 6-8 weeks out from completing a months financial reports, at best, because it takes well into the next month for me to receive all our manufacture's orders and commissions reports and I need that data to incorporate into our numbers. I'm getting closer. I got started on January work yesterday and my goal is to get it done in the next 10 days.

Today I need to file our monthly state "Business and Occupation Tax" report. I have always hated doing these. I hate anything to do with filing taxes, LOL. I usually procrastinate and do it at the end of the day it's due. Yesterday I printed out the reports I need to do it and decided to get it done this morning. I'm almost there. I just have to finish figuring out what we owe the state in sales tax. Always a pain because there are hundreds of different sales tax "locations" in the state and we have to break down and report it to each one we made a sale to. It's annoying.

My mom missed her hour window for taking her meds again this morning. I have it set for 8:30...because some days she eats downstairs and some days she eats in her apartment (because they don't have the dining staff, so they bring the meals up). That way, if she goes down she is typically back to her apartment at 8:50 and hears the chime to take it (it will keep notifying every 5 minutes until 9:30). This way has been working fine, until recently - where she is going down to breakfast and just staying downstairs all morning! So, I just called her at 10:30 and thankfully she can hear me with her phone today, but for some reason the meds aren't dispensing, but the app shows she hasn't dispensed them. It sounds like she pushed the down arrow to "refill" instead of just pushing the center button to dispense. I think it has to reset itself before she can try again, but her landline is across the room at her desk and doesn't reach to the medication dispsenser so by the time she goes back to do what I said or to tell me what the screen says, she's already forgotten. Ugh. I told her just to go ahead and go downstairs for her exercise and I'll call her back after and we'll try again. Also, the app never notified me this morning that she didn't take it, I just happened to check and saw she didn't, so that is frustrating, too. Hopefully I can get her to get them dispensed today

It's still morning and I think I need a nap already, LOL.


  1. Hope you have a nice, relaxing weekend. Isn't it frustrating to have to wait for others taking their sweet time while you try to get your job done?

    1. It's not too bad with all our manufacturer's. Just normal operating procedure in that it takes them a good 2-3 weeks to calculate the sales and commissions due for the previous month. Some don't pay for 30 to 45 days and we get the reports from them when we get the payment. So typically I can't close out our accounting month until about 6 weeks after. I've just gradually gotten behind with gradual work load increase and then when we had that audit, that really took up my time and put me behind a couple more months. I only have so many hours a day/month so it's taken a while to find the extra time to work on getting caught up.

  2. Even with all the problems with her memory, the machine could actually be malfunctioning.

    I would not like your job at all! It depends solely, it seems, on other people doing their job. I suppose most jobs are that way, but yours moreso.

    1. it could be the machine, but in this case it seems to be that she missed her window of time to take her morning meds because she wasn't in her apartment for several hours! My job and when I can get financials completed is just normal time frame stuff. We need the sales reports to get our numbers and most companies need a bit of time to get those numbers together after the end of each month.

  3. I recommend getting old! Just had a letter to say I no longer need to file a tax return. Our State Pension is taxed at source.

    1. LOL! I wish that worked for work tax returns. We have city and state stuff. I hate doing them.
