Sunday, March 6, 2022

Snowy Sunday

It was such a nice weather day yesterday. Today - 3 inches of snow and still snowing. Oh well. Glad we got dh's phone taken care of yesterday. Of course little "snags" with him now actually using the phone. Like he wanted to upload a picture to some message board forum he likes, but it wouldn't see the picture on his phone he just took. Apparently because the iphone 11's take pics in HEIC format and some applications don't recognize that. So, I had to figure out how to change his settings so it's jpg. The other strange thing, I haven't figured out, is when I plugged my phone into my computer to look at the last couple of pics I took they were completely blurry on my computer, yet, if I send the picture through messenger to myself and then save it to my computer and view it, it looks completely fine.

After we got home yesterday I got the sheets and pillowcases off our bed and in the wash. Then I wanted a nap, haha. I just pulled the blankets and duvet back over the bed and once I had the sheets in the dryer I took a nap - with the cat. He loves take a nap with me during the day. Curls right up behind my legs.

We've been watching the eagles nest and it does appear they are sitting on an egg(s) the past 4 days or so. It takes about 35 days to hatch a bald eagle egg. DH has been watching a couple of bald eagle live cams where they both have 2 eaglets. Well, one has 2 eaglets, the other has one hatched a few days ago and another egg waiting to hatch.

I also vacuumed the downstairs before I took a nap, while the washing was happening. 

For dinner I had just thawed out the ring of shrimp we had in the freezer and dh ate that and I just had "fake" Rice Krispies. Still can't find the brand name in the stores. 

Today I plan to make some more peanut butter cookies and maybe some snickerdoodles. When I was placing a target order I thought I had ordered 4 packages of the peanut butter cookie mix and 2 packages of the snickerdoodles. Apparently I got it backwards. Hopefully the snickerdoodles are good, because I have lots of that now. No idea how I did that. I also will vacuum upstairs. Not sure if dh will need to shovel and plow. At a minimum he will probably shovels the pads in front of all the garage doors. The driveway and road he will probably just let it melt. Well, hey he gets to try out his new work/winter coat, haha.

I talked to my mom right after lunch yesterday. She seemed really good, which is always a relief. I also texted a minute with uncle and he is doing well, too.

My desk needs straightening up, too. One side (it's L shaped) is a mess. Maybe I'll find that dang lost credit card. If I don't I'm just going to order a replacement.

Well, still snowing. My coffee is gone and I'm heading back downstairs for some breakfast.








  1. Naps while passive tasks like laundry are good. I had vacation stuff taken care of early, but with hefty rests yesterday. I'm still figuring out phone settings ,6 months later on mine.

    1. I have a feeling I'll be researching phone settings for quite awhile, too.

  2. Phone settings are endless & easiest to find accidentally. lol

  3. I tried to find internet help for my new flip phone. Impossible.

    1. I read something recently about flip phones no longer working in the near future? something about 5G and flip phones won't work and it made me wonder about my mom's (lost) flip phone. The article was kind of vague.
