Saturday, March 12, 2022

A dinner hit

I tried a new recipe for dinner the other night. Chicken enchiladas. I have never made them before and they were really good! Between the two of us we ate the whole dish of them. It was a super easy recipe, too, and I'm looking forward to having it again soon. DH said to definitely add that to the menu choices.

We liked it so much we had it again last night. I had some leftover of the chicken, chilies and cheese mixture that I had put in the fridge, and then bought some more enchilada sauce when I was in town yesterday. I tweaked it just a bit from the first making. While very tasty, the tortilla's were very soggy. The recipe had said to pour the rest of the sauce over the top (after dipping the tortillas in the sauce and wrapping). I read on google to not use much of the sauce, other than dipping the tortilla's, so last night I just spooned a bit of the leftover sauce in the pan on top. It was better that way.

I still can't tell if my mom's prescriptions are going to make it today. They left a distribution center about 5 or 6 hours away at 3:30 this morning and I'm about positive they then have to go to the next nearest one, before they get out to our post office, so probably not coming today. The tracking even says this was shipped priority mail, which on their website says 1-3 business days. Should have been here by Thursday.  I would have even been happy with yesterday. What a complete waste of the extra cost to ship it that way! We had something to ship to dd a couple weeks ago. It was a bit more expensive to ship UPS, but I went ahead and did it that way because I hate giving the post office money for sub par delivery service. Plus, UPS would pick it it up here, so that also saved me 20 miles in gas and time to go to the post office. But, mostly I knew it wouldn't get to to her in 2 or 3 days like it would with UPS ground.

One piece of dh's desk just shipped, haha. It's the file cabinet base piece.  

Just house cleaning today, if the meds show up I may decide to go see mom this afternoon rather than tomorrow. Either day I adjust her alzheimer's clock, I'm either a day early or a day late, haha. The weather is going to be sunny and 54 today. Tomorrow is supposed to be rainy and maybe snowy, but I'm guessing mostly rain with the temperature predicted.

This was the view out the bedroom and bathroom windows this morning when I got up:

 Enjoy your Saturday!


  1. I remember when Trump was President all the talk about how they were deliberately trying to destroy the post office. I don't know whether that was true or not but it does seem like they are stripping back the personnel to such a low number they just can't keep up (my ex and my ex-BIL both worked for the post office and it was very good to them). And what a beautiful view from your window! Lucky you!

    1. I can deal with a regular letter or package taking a week or more, but not when priority service has been paid for and it still takes that long. It's a rip off!

  2. We enjoy homemade enchiladas too. Probably not very authentic, but my Scandinavian tendencies full things a bit. I agree, they don't need dousing in the extra sauce. The dresser is quite nice. If you pay for priority, they should give you priority shipping.

  3. I love Pottery Barn. They have great "forever" home furnishings.
    I like the hardware on the cabinet.
    I like cheese enchiladas but I've never made them. I've seen various recipes.
    The usps is just not reliable anymore.
    We are getting hit with the snow bomb on the east coast. Crazy

    1. This will definitely be a forever piece of furniture. When the company I worked for got a new office, my boss furnished a lot of it with Pottery Barn furniture and things. It all turned out so nice.

    2. correct the company I *work for, LOL

  4. I make a meatless enchilada using a mixture of black beans (drained and rinsed), vegetarian refried beans, Rotel tomatoes (very well drained) a little bit of taco seasoning and a bit of taco sauce and that's my filling. I take a corn tortilla, put on filling and a tablespoon of the red sauce and then cheese and roll it up. I place them into a glass 9 x 13 pan that has had some of the red sauce poured in and spread around. When they're all assembled, I take what's left of the sauce and spoon on top, which helps keep the tortillas from drying out and of course a sprinkle of cheese on top, then bake. We usually eat 2 with some sour cream and it's enough to fill us up. The desk assembly is going to look amazing when it's all assembled and in place. I hope you get all of the sections soon, without any hassle. I agree, that the USPS is not doing well. Everything that we mail takes a lot longer to get to it's destination and I've seen our mail person stand about 10 feet from the steps and throw our packages up onto the stairs, which some make it, some don't. Lucky nothing was not breakable. Our house sets a ways back from the street and they cut every corner they can. I used to be a real advocate of the postal service but do not feel the same any more. Ranee (MN)
