Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Wednesday what not

I'm trying to take advantage of my free 3 months of Apple+ Tv. I watched a most excellent movie last night called CODA, about a girl, with a singing talent, who is the only hearing person in her family. I'd highly recommend it, along with "Palmer", which I watched several months ago with a free week trial.

Today is going to be sunny and in the 60's. Woo!

When I called my mom Monday morning around 10:15 she said she wasn't feeling that good, a bit of a sore throat. I told her to call me if she feels worse or needs anything, but she didn't sound too bad and had eaten breakfast. I tried to call her yesterday morning and she wasn't in her apartment, so I figured she must be feeling ok to be doing activities. She called me yesterday afternoon - concerned about some mail she got. "Somebody's doing something and it doesn't sound right", or something like that. It was mail she got about a class action lawsuit against Safeway. I told her just to throw it away and explained what it was and not worth it for a couple of dollars. She had apparently thought she needed to call someone or an attorney. I don't know if she thought she was getting sued or what, but she said she felt better after I explained what it was. Hopefully she remembers to throw it away. She also didn't mention not feeling well, so I think all was good. And this morning I just noticed she hasn't taken her morning pills yet. She must not have come back up to her apartment after breakfast and missed the dispenser chiming. And then now at 9:30 it's her wii bowling time. I need to set my phone alarm to check again in a little while. I'll get busy with work and forget. When she returns to her apartment, the dispenser will not remind her anymore. It only reminds every 5 minutes for 40 minutes past her time to take the meds.

Not much else new in my life today. Maybe the last bits of snow will be gone after todays temps.


  1. My sister took over my mother's mail, sorting it when she called twice a week. She didn't have dementia but my father had taken care of all financial matters and she had no experience or interest really in grappling with it after he died.

    1. I go through it when I'm there to visit, and have bills and such to my house, but there is still junk mail that she gets and tries to figure out what to do with.
