Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Sunday and Monday catch up

I was a bit productive on Sunday. I made peanut butter cookies. To make the snickerdoodle package, it required a softened stick of butter, so I got that out and cut into chunks in a bowl to speed up the softening time. Then I vacuumed upstairs, which always takes longer since it's all carpet, other than the bathroom. I also straightened up my desk some. At least in neater piles, LOL (which kitty knocked off several of the file folders to the floor during the night). Then I took about an hour nap. Probably would have been a little longer but dh (as usual) was having problems with his computer and shouting out cusswords in frustration, which of course woke me up. I swear to God that guy has ZERO ability to be quiet when he should be. It's like he doesn't even realize he is making noise.

I also swear I could (again) buy him a brand new computer and he'd still have problems. I do not know what he does, but I can only surmise he's got virus's. Now his computer is acting weird when he tries to type on various websites (anything: Facebook, a message forum he likes, etc). He either starts typing and his words won't show up or he has to click twice in the text area to get his cursor to stay there. Weird stuff that I can't figure out. And then he's like "you need to back up my computer again!". Which is such a laugh because he will not save anything to his computer! He saves it to his external hard drive because for some reason he doesn't want the files on his computer. So what in the heck do you need backed up? LOL. He has a Youtube account that we pay for so he doesn't have to have the ads. He watches lots of things on there, as well as he streams the music from it out on his shop tv and not having the ads keeps the music playing. Last night he's complaining that it keeps going on autoplay. I'm like I have no idea. I don't have a Youtube account or watch stuff on a regular basis. You have 2 screens and a keyboard in front of you - type in your issue and look it up! But, no. I end up looking it up on my phone and as of people posting stuff yesterday, it's a problem everyone who uses Youtube is complaining about suddenly happening all the time.

We have an external hardrive (2 actually) and there's got to be a better way to back up his computer and phone to it. Most everything I'm backing up I already backed up and I'm just creating duplicates and wasting space. I researched on the best way and there is a "back up" in Windows 10 that you can do to an external drive. I'm testing it out on my computer right now, but I can't tell if it's backing up or not. I chose the drive and clicked on "back up now". It appears to be, but taking forever. All's I'm seeing is it says "backing up your data....". It appears he could leave his external drive plugged in and it would back up automatically to it, but daily appears to be the most amount of time and he doesn't need daily at all, since he rarely saves anything to his computer.

I'm also considering paying $60 for a year that we can back up everything to the cloud. While swapping our phones over I did discover how to back up the iphone to itunes and it saves a back up there. I think I will start using that for the phones. 

So, I had done little research the other night on a good online/cloud back up service. pcmag or something like that recommended IDrive. That was the one that said $60/yr. I went to their website again yesterday and they were offering it at 90% off for $7.95 for a year. I paid and signed up......then started to do my upload. Apparently it is a slowwwww process. Then I read it can take days! This after it was uploading for over and hour and hardly had done anything. I'm sure my fairly slow internet speeds do not help the situation either. I'm not even sure now I'll use it. I stopped the upload and will do some more research, but just doing our external drive back up seems to be the best way. I just want an easy way to back up and restore, if needed.

Our new phones came with the USB-C (I think that's what it's called) Well, what does that end plug into? All my charging blocks are USB, so we're just using the charging cables we already have. While I'm looking at the front of my computer to see if I have a free USB port to plug the external hard drive into I see this smaller port that looks like that new charging cord. Yep, it plugs into that, so I pulled out my USB phone charging cable and plugged the new one into the smaller port. I'm charging my ipad right now and it seems to charge faster.

Then around 3 or 3:30, on Sunday, I made the snickerdoodles and they turned out really good. It made 32 cookies (I didn't make huge ones), same as I got out of the peanut butter. The package mix's are under $2. The peanut butter mix is just add 3tbsp of oil, an egg and 1tbsp water. The snickerdoodles required the stick of butter, water, and 1 egg. Dh says he likes these cookies I am making better than the ones I buy at the store (I buy the soft sugar cookies with the frosting from the bakery dept). Probably a bit cheaper to make myself and we get a lot more cookies.

I started a good book that I'll probably finish quickly, since it's good and a fast read. It's called "Oona Out of Order". Kind of a science fiction type about a girl, who when she turns 19, wakes up and she's 51 and each year on her birthday she wakes up a different age of her life, all out of order. It's good so far.  

Yesterday during my lunch break dh and I ran into town to fill up his remaining 2 5-gallon gas jugs. I think he said he has 3 (or maybe it was 4) already filled up. He also has the lawn mower and the quad all filled up. Gas was $4.50 gallon. 

It's snowing again this morning.


  1. Sometimes for no reason my YouTube goes onto auto play. you just click the button on a video and it turns right off. Does he have an adblocker/anti virus on his computer? I am guessing what he does look up comes with viruses etc and it is slowing the computer down - plus maybe he has to clear his cache etc. Cookies sure sound amazing!!

    1. I will check on clearing his cache. I think the only virus blocker we have on his computer is what came w/Windows10. I can't remember now.

  2. I downloaded Adblock Plus (free) and never see an ad on Youtube.

    1. So you don't pay for a Youtube subscription?

    2. No, I do not pay for a Youtube subscription. Check out adblockplus.org

    3. thank you, I will check into that!

    4. I use adblock but i see the ads before every video still. Otherwise, no ads.

  3. I feel for you as I hate having to figure stuff out on the computer when it goes wrong. But the great thing is that google is incredibly helpful so I can usually set things right!

    1. most of the time it's pretty helpful. Though I hate the times where you get 10 different answers!

  4. I called the place that has the protection on the computer and a guy put an ad blocker on my computer. I really didn't want that but it solved whatever problem I had, forgot now. I have no ads on your tube, and I don't pay to watch. For about two weeks, I could not watch and got a message saying I had to pay. I did not and soon it was free for me again.

    I am so grateful that Tommy is so quiet and never makes noise when I am sleeping or napping.

  5. I dont use adblock because then the creator doesn't make any money on their content. I just think they deserve to get paid for their videos. I dont watch every single ad, especially the long ones, but I do try to just let the short ones play. If people don't make money they aren't going to keep making content. I don't watch much you tube, but I do appreciate the work these creators go to, especially when I'm trying to learn how to do something.

    1. that's very true! We are basically paying for the ad's in dh's monthly subscription, he just doesn't have to watch them LOL. Plus, he uses alot on the tv in the shop via streaming and there would be no way to use some kind of adlbock on that, I wouldn't think.
