Friday, March 18, 2022

Finally the big day!

Today is the day we finally get our new car! Wooo! DD, SIL and their friend they are bringing along, left about 6:30 this morning (their time) so should be here around 3 this afternoon. DD was cute last night. Her dh is driving our car over (she's in her car) and she said what's some good snacks for the road trip? Her dh said NO EATING in our car, haha! so she will carry the snacks in her car and they get to have snacks when they stop for rest stop or gas, LOL.

Last night after dinner I vacuumed upstairs and also vacuumed with the nifty attachment to get some dog hair pup left on the one duvet cover, after laying on it. It pulls off dog hair so well. I'm keeping the room door shut until they get here, so he can't go in there.

I'm working until 11:30 and then will finish cleaning house. I have a load of my laundry going right now and the dishwasher running. I just need to vacuum my office and downstairs. I also need to mop the kitchen and laundry and spot mop a few spots on the rest of the hard floor. And I want to make a batch of peanut butter cookies.

Yesterday I got 4 eggs from the chickens. Back in business! Plus all the chickens look feathery and plump. No bare butts, so hopefully I can keep them that way.

In other news, I got an email yesterday around dinner time that my mom's cable tv added on that $30/mo service AGAIN! I thought I fixed that by adding the "purchase pin". UGH!!! I got online with a chat agent and he removed it and said it was ordered from the remote again. So, I will have to check it again next time I'm there and try to do a test purchase to make sure it works this time. So frustrating.

We have someone the last few days firing off VERY loud and VERY rapid rounds of gun shots down river. It sounds like it's coming from where it used to (but stopped after that guy who lives in one of the homes down there died). We are told the guys roommate still lives there by himself. It's much worse gun fire than before. I don't know guns and what sounds each kind makes (well I know what a shot gun sounds like) but his sounds like some kind of automatic type. Knock on wood, but for the most part the other guy, on the hill on the other side of the river across from us seems to have stopped.

Two parts of the new desk arrived yesterday. It is such a nice piece of furniture. I can't wait for the rest of the desk to come and get it set up in dh's den. DH is super happy with it. Very nice, heavy, quality piece made from solid wood and such a pretty color stain and grain markings.

Should be a fun weekend ahead :)


  1. Now that I've added years to my cars life, it'll be a while before I get a new car. Enjoy!

    1. Hoping this one lasts us 11 years or longer like the last one did :)

  2. Oh you'll have to post a picture of the new car when you get it!!! So exciting!

    1. we've taken quite a few pics. It's a really nice car

  3. Exciting! The best part is you will get to see your daughter again. I think, the best snack for a road trip is peanut butter filled pretzels. They are small enough to pop in your mouth so, no crumbles in the car.

    1. I don't think I've had pb filled pretzels - sounds good!

  4. It sounds like daughter's dh is a really good guy when he protects your husband's car from daughter's snacking. I am excited for you and your husband.

    1. SIL is a good guy and takes care of his vehicles. Technically the new car is mine, not dh's. LOL ;)
