Sunday, March 20, 2022

New car smell

Definitely enjoying the new car smell, LOL. Such a nice car. Too many buttons and gizmos, that's for sure. I'll never learn or remember it all. But, I managed to get it down the road, ha! My car is on the right.

It has so much more power then our old car. The speed limit on our highway is 80 and I was up to 80 before I even got to the end of the on ramp. Our old 11 year old car we could barely get it up to speed in time to merge on, anymore. 

The heated and massaging seats are wonderful. SIL programmed the 3 buttons on the sun visor that open our garage doors and gate, so no more remote controls clipped to the visor. Phones are synced. We each have our own seat, steering wheel and mirrors settings. DH loves the power it has and the modifications we had done to it (while it was at dd's)

They washed and shined them both up yesterday. Also put on the hood struts. Even Mr and Mrs Neighbor came over to check them out.

We are enjoying our visit with the kids and their friend they brought. Nice young man. Good sense of humor and easy to joke with. Last night I made my new enchilada recipe and it was a hit. DD loved it and helped me make it, so now she knows how easy they are to make. While the guys were back out in the shop after dinner, dd and I watched last weeks episode of Resident Alien. She loves that show, too.

For breakfast yesterday I made blueberry muffins, scrambled eggs and OJ. It was later morning, so we just snacked for lunch. I think this morning (no one is up yet) I'll just let them fend for themselves. We have several cereals to choose from, toast, english muffins, etc.

We got to see quite a good sized herd of elk on a little drive over to the other side of the river in early evening. And we saw lots of deer, too.

Kitty is not really liking the invasion of his home with their 2 dogs, LOL. He's mostly staying back in our bedroom. He's discovered the window ledge above the tub in the bathroom. He can lay there and see outside.

I'm sure they will be heading back home later this morning. Wish they could have stayed one more day, but we'll be seeing them again in about 3 months.


  1. I know you are having fun with the new car. It does sound complicated but with very nice goodies. I would probably go to sleep with heat and massage. What colors are the cars?

    1. The heat and massage will probably feel really good to my back on a long trip. My car is black. DD got the "forged green", which is a strange color - sometimes it looks green, sometimes gray, sometimes almost black.

  2. Beautiful cars - and I love the view behind them too!

    1. thanks! we love the cliff/mountain across from us.

  3. You should send that picture to Ford. It would make a great ad!

    1. We tried to find a good spot - everything showed our lawn, which is an awful winter brown right now, LOL.

  4. WOW! WOW! WOW!!!
    That's a hunk of metal for sure. You'll figure out most of the gizmos. They are there to spoil you.
    Is there any difference between the two suv's? They look identical.
    You'll get more than 11 years out of that baby.

    1. DD's is a green color, mine is black. The only other difference is they got the moon roof and we didn't care to have that. I hope we get more years - the majority of the miles on my old car were from the first 5 years we had it and I commuted to work.

  5. Very fancy. I hope you enjoy the smell and drives for years to come.

  6. Replies
    1. it's nice! Very comfortable to drive, that's for sure.

  7. Hunky looking cars! I am sure you will love yours. Enjoy driving it!

    1. thanks :) it feels bigger than my small old crossover, but not too bad. I'm sure I'll get used to it.

  8. Beautiful vehicles! I have the heated seats, but not the massage feature - how cool! The best thing about the newer models, IMO, is the back-up camera. And I love the lane-change beep if someone is in your blind spot. Lots of great new features on cars these days that can help make driving so much safer. Now if we could just get people to put down their damn cell phones & pay attention :-/ ....................

    1. We were just talking about that yesterday morning, that people just really need to start paying more attention....when dd was showing me all the features, I thought that blind spot alert sounds like a good thing to have.
