Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Happy Tuesday (trying again)

It really wasn't a Happy Monday yesterday, it was a Sucky Monday. But, hey, you gotta give me points for trying to start out with a positive attitude, LOL. Payroll literally took me until 10 minutes before quitting time to get submitted. It was just one thing after another and then add in the waiting time for each issue as it popped up, to get a reply from our payroll advisor (not that she's slow, but she is trying to help more than just our company. She is loads better than the previous lady). FIVE new employees and 2 termed employees, one of the new employees being p/t hourly, which we don't have a template for. 

Ok, I looked at when I ordered the one med for my mom on the past refills and she should still have plenty in her dispenser to last until I go visit in a week or so. I think that med also notifies way too early for the dispenser because the pills are so tiny that it thinks it's getting low, when it's really not. Plus, the last couple of refills I ended up ordering a bit earlier than needed because they've been taking so long to get here and then I need to also allow time for the days between after it finally arrives and when I can get in to see her next. She should have at least a months worth of pills in the dispenser, more by my calculations.  With what I have refilled so far (and a little early, each time), I'm showing she should have at least 40 pills in there. Based on when I started ordering this new dose at 10mg, on 8/6 and not received for another 5-7 days, at least, and the 3 more 90 day refills I've ordered since then, she should have enough right now in the machine to last her to mid May.

When dh goes outside to get the mail or whatever, with the dog, he often now lets the cat come with. The cat will walk with them down the street to the mailbox, LOL. He will straggle behind, but as soon as dh and the dog get out of his sight, he will come. They eventually ended up in the back yard and kitty went a little farther than normal exploring. Over to the next lot and partway down the river bank! He wouldn't come when called (of course, he's a cat!) so dh moved back into our backyard so he'd be out of sight and kitty started to head back his direction. Then all of a sudden dh said kitty was running full speed, with his hair up on his back, towards the back patio door. Dh was like WTH?! Then in between all the trees that are in our backyard one of the bald eagles swooped through. Yikes! Kitty ran into the house when dh opened the door and went and hid under our bed.

Dh's friend, who is taking care of his brothers belongings, made good progress the past couple of days and sounds like he gets to start heading back home to Texas today. I'm sure he's relieved it's all over. I guess he did not find the title to brother's pick up (which he is selling to another friend) so he had to request a lost title from DOL.

Goodness, mom's morning meds are going to drive me over the edge. I had hoped having the new time to take them being 7:40am that would work to take before she goes downstairs for breakfast and then whatever else she stays down for hours. But, this morning it's been almost an hour and she has not taken them. In a couple of minutes her 60 minutes of notifications to remind her to take will stop  and when she does get back, it won't remind her. And now who knows when she will be back? I guess I'll see if I can reset the time for a later time this morning, so she keeps getting reminded. At least I hope that will work. It seems that I can change the schedule via the app on my phone. Nothing needed to push on the dispenser itself. So, I just reset it to start the hour of notifications to start up again in 10 minutes. Hopefully she'll be back within the hour. I'll have to keep an eye on the app this morning. Then remember to set it back to it's regular time, once she does take it. I think I'm going try a little earlier at 7:30. I can't imagine she'd leave her apartment before then, for breakfast downstairs at 8am. Who knows with her! I'm really not sure changing the time to 8:50 reset it for today, or if that will start up tomorrow. I can't tell on the app. It says it's changed to that schedule, but for today it's still showing 7:40am.  I always take a picture of the months activity calendar and I see there is no wii bowling this morning, so hopefully after breakfast she will be back up in her apartment. OH good! the app just updated with the new time. 

Okie dokie - adjusting the time again for the morning meds worked and she must have just got back to her apartment and heard it and took them. I had noticed before, most mornings, she would be back to her apartment and take them around 8:50, if she went down for breakfast. But, with the increasing number of mornings she hasn't been coming back up to her apartment in time, that wasn't working. Now, I'm going to reset it to 7:30 to try tomorrow morning. There's got to be a time that is the "sweet spot" LOL, where she is up and in her apartment still in the morning. Lordy! At least now I know that if I get the notification she hasn't taken the pills (because she's not in her apt) I can temporarily adjust the time so that when she gets back she is still getting the notification. This occasionally happens in the evenings, too, as she will go visit with her guy friend to watch tv. This way I don't have to make a call to her to remind her. It's just this 5 minute conversations of "I didn't? I thought I did. I'll take them (and then forgets after she hangs up). I'm pretty sure I took them? I didn't?"

I am trying to find some new pajamas. Mine are old and worn out. You wouldn't think it would be so hard to find what I want. I want long flannel pants and a short sleeved pull over shirt (not button). Everything is either long sleeved or a button type shirt, or if it's a short sleeved shirt it's with shorts or capri type pajamas. I don't even really care what they look like. Maybe I can find what I need separately. And when I type in "pajama top" (Target, for instance) I don't want to see regular t-shirts!

Yesterday was kind of funny. I was on the phone several times with my boss. We were trying to figure out how to set up a part time employee schedule in payroll. We use Teams for our calls, and I was answering it with my phone and not my computer (which has a mic and camera, too) but the whole time I'm talking to her (and moving my head back and forth between my 2 screens) she's seeing my my office. She says "oh your lamp is cute". I'm like how are you seeing that? I'm not using my webcam, plus it's not pointing at camera. Then after the 2nd call realized it was viewing from the camera on back of my phone. It must be some setting on my new phone! my old phone never did that when I answered a Teams call. Finally I figured out to just turn off camera for this app in my phone settings, LOL.



  1. Sucky Monday. I'll give you a SUCKY MONDAY. Garage doors ordered months ago. Arrived last night, according to the supplier, installed today, so contractor took the plywood off, and hauled it away. Only thing: The order was for two garage doors, and the smaller one hadn't arrived, but GOD FORBID supplier mention that in yesterday's call. Superintendent had to tell him to go and get a temporary door, and called to let me know that when I went over there, please not freak out that it's not the door I ordered. Seriously, they could have saved time and aggravation if they had just said last night that only one door arrived. If he had, then contractor would have left the plywood to that side up. And this is why I'm not my own contractor.

  2. I had to laugh about Kitty (although I'm glad he (she?) is ok. I guess having an eagle flying overhead is a much better way to instil "obedience" than putting him on the naughty stool!

    1. Kitty (he) seems content to stay inside and sleep today, haha!

  3. Make sure you check the cat to make sure she is okay. Eagles will attempt to "catch" or "hunt" for small prey and sometimes go after small dogs and cats. Sometimes they end up dropping the animal because it turns out to be too heavy. I wouldn't recommend letting the cat out if there are eagles in the area. Also, since money is not an issue for your mom, doesn't the place where she lives provide distribution of medicines? My dad is in assisted living and his meds were distributed by the nurse in charge. They also ordered them. He does his own ordering and knows when to take them, so does it all himself now. It saved him a considerable amount of money. He is not in as comfortable of a situation as your mom is, so it is good that he is able to take care of this himself. The reason he didn't in the beginning was because he had been hospitalized with Covid and had been very sick. He suffered through it without oxygen but had lost a lot of weight and had cognitive and strength issues but recovered fully after having physical and occupational therapy.It might be something worth looking into if it continues to be such a problem with the machine distribution. I hope finding how to adjust the time, on the app, helps keep it as an option for you and your mom. Good luck. Ranee (MN)

    1. DH was outside near the cat (we don't let him outside by himself) and the cat was up on our covered patio before the eagle swooped in, but definitely something to be wary of! My mom's place doesn't have assistance, it's independent living, so they only assist with in that all her meals are provided, her apartment is cleaned weekly and they do linen laundry for them. They do not have a nurse on staff.

    2. That's too bad. Dad has the same other "paid" benefits such as the meals and the weekly cleaned apartment and the linen laundry along with clothing. He is considering doing his own laundry, as it could save him a bit more money. I also told him we could get a small vacuum and a few cleaning supplies and he could do his own cleaning, with a little help from me on my weekly visits, but we haven't reached that point yet. It's a lot of talk before any action is taken and I don't like to rush him into doing something he's not ready to do, for fear he won't do it as often as needed. He's a very neat, clean and tidy person, so it wouldn't be difficult to take on the other chores but he also becomes more active when the warmer weather hits and doing fun stuff can be exhausting, especially as he is 89 years of age. I was hoping the your moms independent living had the same services available as dad - similar, but not quite. I thought it would save a lot of the frustrations you are both going through. Ranee

    3. My mom's rent includes all this, so there is no pick and choose. Probably should have picked the assisted living type place that has the various "levels" you can add, but 2 years ago she was able to get online, view the options to live over here, understand the rent prices, etc, so this is where she wanted to live.
