Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Tuesday this and that

When I was at my mom's on Thursday I checked to see if her replacement credit card came. I asked her again on Friday. I just asked her yesterday afternoon and she said no, but she hadn't gone down to get her mail yet. Then she's going over some papers on her desk, asking me about them and says "and this one that says "your new contactless credit card". LOL. Ya...that's it! haha. So, I got all the info off of it and activated it online and updated her 2 monthly bills that get charged to it. I was really afraid she was going to think it was junk mail and toss it.

Neighbor texted me back around noon yesterday "we are really sorry. Son gave us some ideas to try". Well, if they worked, they'd probably have kept the dogs themselves, eh? Not to mention it'll now be "we're trying this"....and we put up with it another week or so...then "we're now trying this". Like I mentioned in a comment to someone on the last post - if a neighbor complained to us about something we'd take care of it the first complaint.

Then Mr. neighbor texted dh last night that their son told them to put their 2 dogs in crates downstairs in their basement when they are gone from home, as that is what they did with the 2 dogs when they would leave the house. If that doesn't work, he will come over and get the dogs. Well, it should work fine for us. We aren't going to hear the dogs barking inside their house all day. Mrs won't like keeping the dogs cooped up like that all day (let alone if it's too long for them to need to go pee), so we'll see how it works for them. Sad for the dogs, as this will be their life for 3-5 days a week, while they are at work. (Mr. works various p/t jobs).

Our property tax appraisal came. This state updates every 2 years, with semi annual payments in November of one year and May the next year. So, thru this past May's payment, we were only paying on our land value, assessed 2 years before, when nothing was built yet. So, in my last December's annual escrow reconciliation I got a refund back of almost $2600, rather then them adjusting my payment down. The new assessment report gives our estimated annual property taxes starting next November;s payment. Using my mortgage company's annual escrow disclosure statement and projected amounts from last year, I am trying to get an estimate of what the one next December will say. I still should get a large refund again, since May's disbursement to property tax was only $327. I'm estimating a refund check of about $1500 in December. Then things should start leveling out and actually our payment the next year should go up, as our actual property taxes look like they will be about $83/mo higher than what escrow has been estimating. Or maybe they apply the refund amount towards the higher then projected taxes for the next year and if so then I'd guess the refund to be $500. I've always been so confused by those annual escrows, how one year it will send you a refund and then the next seem to owe/higher payment.

We had quite the thunder and lightning storm around 4:30 this morning. And rain. We don't usually get rain with summer thunder and lightning.

Our county is a mess with our small sheriff's dept. Our undersheriff just retired and our head sheriff resigned this week, as well as 2 deputies and 2 dispatchers quit. I think we now have a few deputies left at this point. The pay they all get is totally pathetic. It's no wonder they can't keep anyone (though the sheriff is an elected position, this is the second one to resign in the past 3 years). Yet our county council people don't do much of anything and make like $40k a year to work one or two days a week. I was texting with my friend in town (she has lived here her whole life) and she confirmed it's the council that is worthless. They don't want to do the work or make decisions. She said she has been considering running. I told her she'd have our vote! She's not afraid to speak up or give her opinion, LOL. We haven't had our jail running for a year or two. Like DH said - if we have no jail and no sheriff dept, we should get our taxes lowered, LOL. I texted my friend "geez. they aren't supposed to defund themselves!".

DH called fence guy again....now he's saying next month. Good grief. DH is considering just putting the materials (sitting covered, on our property, already paid for) on marketplace/Craigslist and just scrapping the project. But, we already have the gate piers, so looks pretty dumb with piers and no gate or fence.

Our lawn is looking so good. After doing that fertilizing it has all turned the same color of green and the seeded (and then reseeded) parts are filling in thicker and starting to blend in where the sod edges end.

I have to run into town to mail a UPS letter package today. My side job is adding me to one of their checking accounts as a signer and the banker sent me the signature forms via UPS and included a UPS labeled envelope to mail back. I think I can drop off at our grocery store, they have a desk to mail packages. While in town I'm going to stop at the propane place. Received a postcard in the mail yesterday that they are having a drawing for 200 free gallons of propane and to drop the card in their office by 7/23. Might as well enter!


  1. In the normal times I'd suggest they could probably afford to crate em and pay someone mid day to come and wake and play and guce a snack but im sure not allowing anyone but me in my house right now...

    1. They have a local gal they use to come feed/water when they go on vacations. Sounds like a good idea!

  2. Poor dogs. It looks like their owners really do not care about them but I guess they keep them just because... It is cruel to put them in a crate and leave them all day long unattended. Of course it makes no sense to subject the neighbors to 5 dogs barking hours on end too. I hope, they will find a good solution not just a solution.

    1. We used to have a dog that was outside in a kennel with a dog house, years ago, when we were at work all day. But he didn't bark much (was asked neighbors), but now after having dogs where we are able to be home with them all day, I would never have a dog(s) if it had to stay home by itself all day. They so need the human interaction on a constant basis. I think you are right - they are just finding a solution, but not a good one (for the dogs).

  3. A lot of people crate their dogs all day while they are gone. I don’t agree with it, and wouldn’t do it myself, but it’s pretty common I think.
    I just really hate other people’s dogs. We have a new neighbor now and he just lets his dog run. He’s up here at my house all the time. I assume he will figure out none of the rest of us let our dogs leave the yard, but he hasn’t so far. The people across from me had their son’s dogs for 2 years while he was deployed overseas. Those dogs barked nonstop, all day, for 2 years. It wasn’t a problem unless the windows were open, but I did finally get used to it lol. Luckily our dogs didn’t join in. The people that used to live in the house closest to us had 5 dogs and no fence. That was just great, but they’ve been gone now for about 8 years. My dog doesn’t leave the yard, not even to go in the pasture on one side of us. If my neighbors didn’t see me walking him they wouldn’t even know we had a dog. That’s the kind of neighbor dogs I wish we had.

    1. I don't agree with the crating all day either, especially after having 2 dogs now (one for almost 12 years) that we are home with every day. My dd was crating her dog when he was a puppy. Then they added a 5 year old dog. Then they tried gates and just blocked them in the kitchen and family room. After all seemed well with that, I think they then got the run of the house, but still way too long for dogs to be by themselves. I follow this dog rescue on Facebook and they will only adopt out dogs to homes where someone is at home all day or they can take the dog to work with them. We can see a total difference in our dogs behavior compared to our neighbors dogs.

  4. We had a dog that would allow anything to happen and anyone in the yard unless we were home, then she chased joggers and terrified the mail lady. So, when we were gone, no problems. Crazy Puppy. I had a neighbor who said she was keeping a dog for a friend who was traveling. It barked day and night and was tied to the back of the house. Turns out this lying psychopath paid $800 for this dog and could not keep her electricity on.

    1. "Puppy" was the dog's name since my kids could never think of a name. I named the second dog over everyone's objection to the name. I named him Rudolph and everyone screamed, but i intended to call him Rudy, which suit him so well.

  5. My kids all have dogs, and they all work, and their dogs are fine. 2 of them have doggy doors and 2 don’t. We have a doggy door that we got because I used to be gone a couple weeks at a time several times a year and we wanted our dog to be able to go out. My kids have dogs that tend to bark-corgi, mini Aussie, Pekingese, Pom/poodle cross, but none of them do. The dd with the corgi has neighbors That don’t like dogs so she has asked several times if her corgi barks. They always say no, not at all. So people that work all day can certainly have well behaved dogs. Personally I think a rescue saying no one can adopt a dog that works would be like saying people who work can’t have kids. I am not a fan of a lot of rescues though lol. I found a dog up around kalispell at a rescue and they required everyone in the family and all our pets to come up to “interview”. That was ridiculous. I am a responsible adult. I wouldn’t drive 8 hours round trip and pay their ridiculous adoption fee if I didn’t think we could give that dog a good home. And my Dh certainly wasn’t going to participate in that. Nor was I going to put our slobbering, huge St. Bernard or our 2 elderly cats in a car and drive that far. I found an even more perfect dog Not through a rescue without a bunch of ridiculous Hoops to jump through. Oh, and I did work when we got him lol.

    1. We've always had dogs, even when we worked and were gone all day. Now that I can really see the difference I would never have a dog again if I wasn't able to be home with them on a regular basis. They are such pack creatures, that they really thrive when with their "pack" all the time. I'm sure there are people that are gone all day and have well behaved dogs, but from what I've seen it's the exception, rather than the norm. We have good friends who's dogs are outside all day (they both work) and they are not well behaved dogs. They rarely get family interaction. Couldn't figure out why the dogs chew stuff up and run off. Our neighbor is constantly saying he wishes his dogs were behaved like our dogs. DH just says, well since they get to be with us all day, they are both just really in sync with us. They both have instant recall, if by chance they start to wander where they aren't supposed to be, outside. And there's a difference between a dog being well behaved at home in it's familiar surroundings/people vs. once there are other people around or they are not in their own surroundings. Our dd's one dog is very relaxed at home and a good dog, but if anyone comes over or they take him anywhere, he will not listen. When we went camping for DD's wedding weekend, several of us had dogs. Ours were the only ones that people kept commenting, "gosh those are good behaved dogs".
