Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Prepping work

I've had a $50 Target gift card balance sitting in my Target wallet for about a month. I finally decided to use it towards some new tennis shoes. Mine are getting really grungy looking from all the work we did around here. I ordered some Skechers for $40 and used the balance (and another $10) to order some dang canned green beans (because they seem to be on a shortage and I'm out), toothpaste and some nail clippers.

I'm probably paranoid, but I think either way this presidential election goes in less than 100 days, we are going to be in trouble. I need to get as prepared and stocked up as possible.

I also feel like I was not as prepared as I should have been when this pandemic started and things started getting hard to find in the stores and limits placed, etc. While we did really have enough TP on hand for a couple of months, it was getting close there at the end to find any before I felt comfortable with the amount we had left. I've been working on stocking up my pantry, though not as well with our freezer yet. For the dogs I currently have stocked about 3 months worth of dog food.

I'm giving myself 100 days to get more stocked up. But, I feel like I can't wrap my head around how much! I know it's never too much, LOL, but I'm not used to having this much stuff on hand. It just doesn't feel natural to me. I'm used to having one or two of most things on hand.

My side job is based in Oregon. Obviously not a good situation going on there and they are glad all their employees are still working from home. Their new office building was vandalized a week or so ago. My boss lady/friend said almost all her long time friends and neighbors have moved out of state or are looking to do so. Makes her sad and mad.  Like she said "Peaceful my ASS!"


  1. What folks are protesting is right. Destroying things will not win support, and the people hurt are not those they are trying to get to change the laws/unwritten rules. I'd wish they woudl all do just an old fashion sit in=easy to tell theprotesters fomr vandals and rioters.

    1. would probably be pretty easy to tell them apart if those running the cities would start following the laws and arresting those who are being violent, instead of just letting them do whatever they want.

  2. What I have heard is it's not the protestors who are doing the's very sad because peaceful protest is an American right but the vandalism by the hired thugs is hard to deal with.

    1. then those that are doing the vandalism and destruction should be stopped and arrested.

  3. I am stocking up but not like you. I found Suddenly Salad for $1 each, so i got 24. I am going to only eat one each month because i could eat a whole box at a time and every

    A law enforcement officer was caught on video smashing windows! That is what I read.

    1. I've never tried Suddenly Salad. Sounds like you got a good deal.

  4. It's hard to know how much is "enough" when it comes to anticipating another lockdown isn't it. I've been picking up a couple of extra things each week and then I think "is this just dumb or what". Still it won't go to waste will it!

    1. I don't think it's dumb at all :) It will get used (just rotate in the oldest stuff first) and if things get crazy you have some cushion. I think if anything this year has taught us all is anything can happen now!

  5. I have been purchasing items on sale and buying extra for years so when the pandemic struck and everything went on lock down we were well supplied. Now that meat is finally going on sale again I have been restocking and am again satisfied with my freezer inventory. That's a good thing because I honestly don't think I could even squeeze a frozen pizza in there right now, lol!

    I have a few more pantry items to restock, and I am also starting to stock up on personal care items and cleaning supplies. We are good on paper products.

    1. It sounds like you have been doing it the smart way. I'm still in the figuring out how much I should have on hand stage, but figured I'd better just keep at it, regardless of how much I think I should have.

  6. I do not know if you like beans but, if you do, all kinds of dry beans keep well and do not take up a lot of space even when purchased in bulk. Buying excessive amounts of TP is not a bad idea either. It won't go to waste. You have the space to stock up on at least a year's worth of supply I guess. I am not a fan of canned vegetables but, I bought them during the initial pandemic scare. I buy tomatoes in bulk, put them through my food processor and use zippie bags to keep them in the freezer. I usually stack them flat bags and the space is used efficiently.

    1. I like beans, but dh isn't a big fan. I do make a "taco soup" that he does like and has a bunch of different beans in it. I think beans are a good staple to have stored for emergencies and I should start stocking up on some.
