Monday, July 13, 2020

Monday update

Thank you to everyone for all your comments on my last post. I appreciate them all and will take into account. I really don't want to change my mom's will, other than the executor. It's just she keeps bringing up should she change the distributions. I just said to her well, in 2018 is when you changed it to how it is now (quite a change from previous), so you must have had your reasons. Unfortunately, she doesn't remember what made her decide to make the changes she did (though obviously it was BF and SB very involved). I do need to confirm with her investment/retirement account what they have on record as her beneficiaries. Don't need any big surprises there, that's for sure! It also doesn't make sense if her retirement account beneficiary's are different than her will distribution. I don't see the point in that.

I'm still researching using an identity/credit monitoring service. I also read an article that really the best/cheapest thing to do it just to freeze her credit with all 3 credit bureaus. And if she's giving someone her bank or credit card info over the phone to a scammer, not much can prevent that. Awhile back I did try to sign her up for the USPS informed delivery (I use that) but for some reason I can't get it to work for her.

Ok, remember Friday when I said that the asphalt paving company lady called DH and said they were coming out to do our neighbors resealing of their driveway and did we want to go ahead an have ours done for $2200? DH said to her I asked your husband when he here pouring it and he said it didn't need to be done for 3-5 years?? Then DH told her he'd talk to me. He either talked or texted with her a couple hours later on Friday and she said "I talked to my husband and he said you didn't need to have it done yet". (Ya, no kidding!!). So, yesterday morning the paving crew shows up to do neighbors and pulls into our driveway. DH thought either they wanted to park in our driveway. No, they said they were here to seal our driveway! They said Tina told them they were doing ours and neighbors. DH is like nooooo, you are not doing mine! WHAT IN THE HELL?! What is she trying to pull? DH is guessing that because they left their equipment parked on neighbors property for all that time it took to do ours (wasn't it like a week or 10 days?) he had said he told them he wanted them to reseal his driveway as compensation. Then he told DH something about it cost him $800 last time. Well, here's some math. Back when ours was being poured and DH asked owner guy when it needed to be resealed and what that usually costs, he said 3-5 years and $1400 (when she called he coudln't remember the quote, but then looked in his phone notes he made when her husband quoted him the time frame and amount). Then wife calls and wants to do ours for $2200.....We are guessing she was trying to get us to have it done for $2200 (not knowing her hubby said $1400), thereby paying for ours $1400 and neighbors freebie of $800. We are really not impressed with with this stuff she is trying to pull and when it does eventually need resealed we'll be calling someone else to do it. But, our neighbors driveway does sure look nice and new again. Glad they did it.

One of our neighbors dogs has been in some pain so they took her to the vet. DH was talking with Mr. and said that I give our dogs "something that works great" and had just started with our younger dog and he can tell it's helping. It's just cosequin ds for dogs. Our older dog has been on for years and I just started 8 year old dog on it. She texted to ask me what I give them so I texted a picture of the bottle. She later texted back that she already gives the dogs glucosamine, but their vet had said human kind was ok to give and she gets it cheaper at Costco. I thought, yes, that probably is a much cheaper way to do it. But, I did a little research and decided to stick with what I am using, as it obviously helps our older dog. The article said that while the main ingredient is the same in human and dog form, the other ingredients are not the same. Many of the human forms have zylitol and some even have chocolate for flavor. Plus the human forms are in a pill form, meant to be swallowed and digested by human digestive systems. Dogs digestive systems are not the same and the dog form is a chewable tablet for them, as well as formulated for their size/weight. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. Our older dog will be 12 in October. While he spends most of his time laying around (as most dogs, haha) when he wants to play and run he has no problems doing so. He goes up and down the stairs almost as much as I do. He can jump up on our bed with no problem, so I'm going to just keep on doing what I've been doing and hope he has a couple more good years.


  1. Gosh that driveway lady sounds like one helluva scam artist. I wouldn't go back to her either!

  2. Xylitol is poisonous to dogs. So glad you are using what is safe for your dogs.

    1. It's worked so well for our older dog, I don't care that the dog formula costs more than Costco human pills.

  3. I hate it when people make assumptions that we all don't take notes-and keep them for future reference. That lady is a pill.

    1. I hate it when DH won't just say "hey! your dh told me $1400, though at least he did say Hey, he told me 3-5 years.
