Monday, July 13, 2020

Not again!

Just got another fraud alert text message from mom's bank/credit card. A $1 charge they put on hold to verify if fraud or not. Yes, of course it's fraud. So, here we go again with canceling the card and having to wait for them to send another new one. And here we go again with having to make sure she gets it in her mail so I can activate it and replace it with the last one (that she's had for like 10 days). UGH!!  Totally makes me wonder if it has anything to do with whoever she talked to for 20 minutes on Saturday. Wouldn't surprise me. I called the 1800 number she called on Saturday (blocked my phone id) and it was some "rewards center". Please hold and a representative will be with you. I'm sure that's who immediately called her back and she talked for another 10 minutes. Who knows if she gave them her cc #, but you wouldn't think they'd only do a $1 charge, if she did. And she's got her cell phone and internet set up to charge her credit card on 18th and 20th, so probably not going to get here in time to update those payments due with the new card# (again).

As if I don't already have enough to deal with and take care of.

My husband and technology drives me insane. He really has no clue and won't listen. And some things just seem like they would be common sense. Like take his 3 year old iphone 7s for instance. He takes TONs of pictures and also some videos. He deletes almost none of them. He has completely used up his storage/memory on his phone. I have said you need to delete photos and videos to make room. He doesn't want to delete anything. He doesn't want to back them up to his computer or external hard drive. I thought I had him explained that in order to take more pictures and videos he's going to have to. But, when you plug the iphone into the pc to copy photo's it does not show them in the "Albums" created on the phone. They are just in a big no sense order. I get that he wants to have them still in Albums to refer to. So, like the album of photos he has with all the pictures from building the chicken coop. He wants to be able to access the albums, if he can't save the albums on his phone.

So, I found a program that you can download (for $30 for a year subscription) that will copy over the albums to a pc. I copied over the chicken coop folder to my computer and also to the external hard drive. I gave him the external drive to have him access from him pc and see the folder and all the pics. Then I said "ok, now I'm going to delete these chicken coop pictures from your phone". Well, then he got mad because the pictures aren't there anymore in his phone! I'm like OMG! you HAVE to start deleting some of these. That's why you can't take any more pictures right now! Finally I get out of him that he thinks each picture is stored on his phone twice - once in his camera roll and then again in the album. So, if I just delete the album now, he's thinks he's got extra storage room, but still has the photo in his camera roll. No, that's now how it works. The "album" is basically just like a filtering system his iphone photos app has (that's why the albums won't show up when you plug the phone into the computer". So, he thought if I deleted the album, he'd still have the original photo in his camera roll. Sigh.......and you can't just calmly explain something to him. He gets all mad and frustrated and then tries to tell me I'm wrong.

I finally just picked up his phone and said your phone memory is FULL. It has reached it's max of pictures, videos, apps, etc it can store on it. Unless you delete (and save them somewhere else, if you still want copies) then you are done taking more pictures. If he just saved his videos to his computer/external hard drive that would probably free up plenty, as those are taking up the most room.

The icloud subscription wouldn't work either (that costs like $2 a month) because he still has to free up space on his phone memory, and if he deletes a picture or video then it deletes it from the cloud, is what I read. He has reached his phones max 32GB memory capacity. It's not that hard to understand! It's not like he needs to keep every single photo on his phone. I looked thru some recent ones and two were almost duplicate of each other and taken outside is really low light. delete them! it's not like he hasn't taken a 100 other photos of the front of our house that look the same!

So, after I deleted the pictures for that one Album (287 pictures) I figured that was a good start and he could at least take some pics again and I gave him his phone back to finish the task of copying albums to another time, when I wasn't in the middle of my work day. Well, his phone is doing the same thing. It will let him take one pic and then the next time it will tell him his memory is full. Same as it was doing before I deleted 278 pictures. Why? GRRR. So, now I'm just copying over all his videos (63) and will delete those and see how much room that clears up. Maybe then I won't need to delete any more photos, for awhile at least.


  1. Could you get your mom's mailing address for her credit card changed to your address so you'd receive it & then you could keep it for her. If she needs it, you can then give her the # or something - so you'd know what she's using it for. How often would she really need it? That's what I would do - since you don't know that this won't happen again. I would just keep the number from her until she need it for something & has to ask you. That way you'll be "in the loop!"

    1. oh that's a good idea! because if she's going to use it somewhere (at a store) I'll be the one taking her there.

  2. What Susie Q suggested was my suggestion, too. She might disagree, but how long will she remember? Turn it over to elder fraud and let them figure out who it is.

    1. I don't event think the cc companies try to figure out who it is. We have our work AmEx hacked like every 2-3 months and have to get a replacement. It's so rampant now adays. The good thing is they detect is as potential fraud before approving it, so I'm sure that saves them.

  3. Or could your Mum just tell whoever wants her credit card number that they have to call you to get's betting they don't call you!

    1. supposedly whoever she was talking to on Saturday, she said she kept telling them she can't do anything without her daughter's approval on it. I don't know for sure that's what got her new cc# (since she can't remember what she told them) but highly suspicious it was.

  4. Oh my gosh I laughed through this whole post... My husband is exactly the same. You can't tell him anything because he thinks he knows it all so he starts getting all nasty and telling me I'm wrong.. Is MUST be a MAN thing. It seems they are ALL the same..LOL.. "Im sorry to see what you're dealing with again with your moms finances. I like the idea of her telling them they have to call you or , would your mom agree to letting you handle her finances and just getting her a small credit card not attached to any account with a small available balance for anything she may want to order? Just a thought...

    1. Yep it's a man thing. Just like never having to ask for directions!

    2. Ya, it's funny when it's happening to someone else! HAHA! Definitely a man thing. He threatened (as always ) throw his phone in the river. I was so tempted to just put in in a drawer after I copied all the photos and when he asked for it back I'd say "I threw it in the river like you wanted!"

  5. At this point, I'd probably want anything financially related sent to your house. Also, put a block on her credit ASAP. Scary how the elderly can be taken advantage of.

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