Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Catching up Sunday and Monday

The weekend was all about DH being a crab and with neighbor dog barking his head off about something at 8am yesterday morning (2 different times), it's not looking any better for  his mood. Neighbors are keeping the son's dogs inside while they are gone, so at least it's only one dog barking, LOL. Those 3 don't usually bark much anymore and while the one dog was having a go at it, one was just sitting there next to him, like what is your problem, bro? I think the 3rd one was still inside.

Sunday neighbor gave me a few of her "hens and chicks" succulents, as they are spreading out a bunch near her front walkway. After we planted, I took the little pot back over to her and she was doing some weeding by her front door, so we chatted awhile. I find it kind of sad that while she is outside doing yardwork so much when she isn't working, that at least one of their dogs can't just be out there with her, having the human company. But, none of their dogs listen much and won't stick around them. I know one of the male dogs (they have 2 male and one female) isn't neutered at 3 years of age and from what I read a bit, that is probably part of the reason he doesn't listen, takes off, etc. They are having company for several days and the guy arrived yesterday afternoon. Mr. was outside with him, kind of showing him around their place (I was outside watering my flowers and plants) and he did have all 5 of the dogs out - but of course they all took off over to our place. Then apparently at least 2 of them did their usual run off, as I saw a bit later he had to get on his quad to go look for them. Usually he finds them a good mile down the road....and apparently the people (several houses) that live down there have been calling him to tell him his dogs are running around down there.

The other evening I was outside watering flowers and my dog with the floppy shaggy ears was shaking his head and rubbing at his ear. He has been prone to ear infections over the years so I flipped his ear over to see if it was red inside. No, it looked ok. Then he did it some more, so I decided to take a look again closer. Ahhh....found one of those little "foxtails" (at least that is what I've always called them) in his ear area, just next to his ear canal opening. So glad I looked again and found it! He would have had a miserable night.

I received a surprise check for $32. Back when I was first going to the eye doctor for my eye problem, I had to pay out of pocket, because they don't bill medical insurance. I paid, submitted the 3 bills (two different eye dr's offices) to my insurance company with my receipts for them to reimburse me, if it's covered. It turned into a hassle as the insurance was sending me messages they were processing, then message that the diagnosis codes used were invalid on one, but I couldn't figure out which claim and even a call to the insurance company didn't clarify it. All in all it was supposed to be like $64 in total back to me. It was all coming about when I was trying to get my mom moved, etc. I just gave up on it and just decided it was out of pocket expense. I wasn't in the mood to keep trying.

So, Saturday I get a check from the first optometrist I saw. Apparently the insurance company did process that claim, but sent the check to the optometrist. No wonder it's all a big mess, if the insurance company couldn't even figure out that I had submitted the claim and not the eye doctor. I just went online with my insurance to see what the other 2 claims are showing. EOB's used to be a LOT more informative as to what wasn't covered and why. The second claim was basically the same exact type of claim as the first one. I just saw a different doctor for my continuing eye/cornea abrasion on the 2nd visit. The first claim was reimbursed, other than my $20 visit copay. The second claim was denied as all applied to deductible. Makes no sense, LOL.The 3rd claim was for the special contact lens, and no explanation as to why that wasn't covered.

My mom's replacement credit card arrived yesterday and she actually remembered it was coming and to call me that it did. Keeping fingers crossed that nothing happens with this one. She even said "I'll let you activate it", where last time when I mentioned I would activate it, she acted like she didn't really even understand what I was talking about.

I woke up this morning thinking it was Wednesday already. Guess the week is not going by that fast. It's been a hot 90 the past couple of days and mid 90's today. I'm pretty sure dh is due to mow the lawn, from the looks of it, so he'd better get up and at it before it gets too hot. I noticed our neighbor from down at the end of the street doing some weed spraying along our street when he got home yesterday, so that was nice. He seems like a really nice young guy.


  1. Yes, that would be part of the problem why a dog takes off. I have five dogs and have raised fourteen in the last twenty years. Neutering does help and while they still have hormones in them they are less likely to stray away and they are more calm. We have a problem with a lady on my block and she's the only one. Most of the people on my block own a dog or multiple dogs she owns three and she's the ONLY one on the block that will open her door in the morning and just let them take off. They run all over everyone's front yard doing their 'thing' wherever they want and I've almost hit one of them a few times. By the third time I had it. I went and knocked on her door and told her if she didn't stop letting her dogs run wild through the neighborhood I was calling animal control at which time she will end up with a fine of $400.00 seems to have helped some..I don't like being like that but I also spend good money on my lawn upkeep and I don't even let my own dogs do their business on my lawn...

    1. I would be so annoyed too! and you are right, not being neutered is also why this dog isn't calm. I don't think they have ever bred him and he's some expensive hunting dog breed (that doesn't hunt) so not sure why they didn't neuter him.

  2. My dog has such bad anxiety, everything sets him off, but we keep him close to us, We call the monring barks that go through the neighborhood the barking patrol.

    1. haha! He was definitely on patrol yesterday :)

  3. A little barking I can understand, but when they go at it non-stop, that's when it drives me crazy. Nice refund, even if it wasn't exactly as much as you were expecting!

    1. a little barking off and on is no big deal at all, but when they won't stop it's annoying for sure. At least it was the refund I was originally expecting from that one claim, just don't know why they now applied the next visit/claim to deductible.
