Monday, July 6, 2020

Summer time

Back to work this morning. I didn't realize my boss took this week off, LOL. Should make for a fairly quiet week for me (as long as she stays vacationing and not working, haha). My email backup wasn't too bad, considering. Took me less than 3 hours to get through. Nobody working Friday probably helped.

I think our grass grew 2 inches over night. DH didn't mow yesterday and decided to wait until today. Between the great watering our sprinkler system is doing and the sunny warm days, it's growing fast. It seems to take him about 2 hours to mow it all. Some parts he has to use the gas push mower and some parts he can use the big riding mower.

And the damn neighbor dogs! OMG. Their son's 2 dogs have been barking non stop this morning, which then of course gets their 3 dogs started barking. and then it gets worse if we even step outside. It's summer time. We want to be outside. We want to step out on our back patio or do yard work. Neighbor lady is always outside when she is home, during summer days, working on her yard. I highly doubt she'd like to spend her gardening time outside listening to our dogs bark the whole time. DH told Mr. on Saturday that the days he was at work (and she works Mon-Fri) last week they barked a whole bunch, but when he's home, of course they are fine. I guess that wasn't the hint enough that when they both went to work today, we were going to have to listen to dogs barking. Mr. said something about the big dog is just too much for his son and DIL with the small boys (4 of them). I sent her a text this morning that just said "we have tried to ignore it as best we can, but your son's dogs (I want her to know it's those dogs causing the barking) have been barking all morning, which then causes your dogs to join in." Yes, lets all just sit and listen to 5 dogs barking and barking.

Even before the addition of the son's 2 dogs, whenever one of them gets home of course the dogs bark, because they are happy to see them. It's normal for dogs and of course it only lasts a minute or two. They pull in with their window rolled down telling the dogs to stop barking. Or if they bark at something while they are home, they open the back door and quickly correct them. They don't like listening to the barking, even for a minute! Well, geez...imagine listening to it for hours...... I really just don't know what they expected it was going to be like, adding 2 more dogs, making 5 dogs total. It's not like we haven't been through this the past 2 summers, either. How about they just tell their son, "sorry, we have neighbors now and having your dogs here every summer is just too disruptive, since we can't be home with them all the time." Blame it on the covenants. (2 dogs max) I don't care! Make their 36 year old son and his wife responsible for their own dogs. So tired of listening to them bark and so tired of having to complain about it! I don't understand why it's so hard to just be a respectful neighbor to others.


  1. What bad luck - I hope you get some resolution to it all. Noise pollution is one the most irritating forms as it invades your whole day. If they stop barking you’re just waiting for the next one, so annoying!

    1. I was just hearing more barking so looked out the window at their kennel run/dog door. Their son's big dog was just standing there in front of the dog door and barking at it! It all just puts DH on edge, which none of us needs.

  2. That barking would drive me bananas.
    I don't understand what your neighbors don't get. Ugh!!

    1. I don't understand why they are allowing this to keep going on either. They are really good neighbors/people and take really good care of their beautiful home and property. The only thing I can think is they just do not think the dogs bark much when they are gone, but after repeatedly telling them this, of course they know. It would only take one complaint for us to take care of the problem if it were reversed. It's just so maddening that their son and his wife think it's ok to just pawn their problems off for months every year so they don't have to deal with it, but expect their parents and us to deal with it.

  3. I could not stand it, do you have either's cell phone number? I would point blank video it for a time period 5-10 minutes, send it to them and ask them if they'd like to listen to that for. Hours on end. I really don't know how they couldn't "get it" then.

    1. we have both their cell #'s (and landline and emails). I don't get it either, after repeatedly saying hey, they are still barking and barking. My dd said the same as you. Video it and send it to them. I think at this point they are just playing us along, saying "oh we're going to try this...nope not working...ok, we're trying this now".

  4. The neighbor next door was put in a nursing home. Her daughter let her daughter (gd) live in the house. The kid held parties continuously and had loud music. The mother suggested I sleep in another room on the other side of the house. NO Finally, I told her I was tired of wiping her kid's butt. It took multiple calls to police until they finally figured there was underage drinking and drug selling happening to get the noise and kids out. The party had at least 30 kids with kegs, open doors, blasting music, a dog barking continually before the noise was stopped by the city.

    Have you even mentioned to them the two dog limit, just to see what they have to say? I would end it this summer one way or the other.

    Tell them emphatically that you need peace! Suggest you or dogs need sedation and it won't be you. lol Ask them if they will sedate the dogs if you pay for medication. lol

    I truly do not understand adult children needing constant support from parents!

    1. that reminds me a bit of the people we bought the house from when we lived in town and that jerk neighbor who worked on cars in his driveway until 2am every morning. They moved their bed into one of the small bedrooms on other side of house because of him. I'm not paying for someone else's dogs to behave properly and not bark all day. Same as we weren't sleeping in a small bedroom just so that jerk could make noise until 2am every night.

  5. Oh I'm so sorry to hear about those dogs. It would drive me insane. I already get sick of picking up dog crap from my open back yard even though I don't have a dog. It's not bad enough for me to say anything though as I prefer to keep on good terms with my neighbours. But their son sounds really irresponsible. Why keep getting all these dogs when they have 4 (?) kids and then not taking care of them. I agree with the others. Videotape them and send it to them. If they don't do anything then you'll have your answer.

    1. Their son is a grown up man, married, 4 kids, excellent job, but apparently thinks its ok to make his problems someoene elses. I don't get that mentality.

    2. No way would I put up with it. They need to stop enabling their son by watching dogs. Son needs to take care of situation after talking to them call and report it they may not like it but you have rights also. Way to many dogs for one home. Hope things work out soon for you. Joyce

    3. there is no one to report it to. We live in a super small rural area, 10 miles from the nearest town (and that town only has like 800 people in it). Their son and his wife need to take responsibility for their dogs and stop pawning their problems off every summer, that's for sure. But, I guess worse comes to worse we'd have to hire an attorney and sue them for covenant violation for having more than 2 dogs....We really like our neighbors and get along well with them and want to keep it that way. An attorney would have to be the very last resort. And like I said to a friend yesterday, by the time we went through all that and the cost, the 2 months (supposedly that long) the son is leaving the dogs with them would be up and they'll be gone again, until next time.

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