Thursday, July 30, 2020

Eggs(less), lumber, and phones

Still no eggs from my chickens. A few times the past week or so, when I go into the coop, one of the hens will squat down in front of me for a few seconds. After about the 3rd or 4th time she she has done this I googled it. It says this is a good sign she will be laying soon! Woo hoo! Still waiting, LOL.  What I read says they do this as a sign of submission to the rooster and since they have no rooster, I am her rooster. Okie dokey. Then it went on to say it's a sign she is getting close to starting to lay eggs.

DH is going to the lumber store again today.  He wants to get started on a loft/shelf thing he wants to build in his shop, so he can start getting some of the crap off the floor and create some space. There is a small loft space above the bathroom and he wants to extend it down along the wall as more storage area above. He's having a hard time figuring out exactly how he's going to build it, but at least he can get started and give him a new project. He's such a perfectionist that he keeps agonizing over practically every blade of grass, LOL. Now it appears we may have grubs eating from underneath so trying to research grub killer to spread and when. Sounds like it's supposed to be done either spring or fall....well, what the heck do you do in the middle of summer when you just got them?! He starts to research online and then shows me what he's found - then tells me "will you research it?" This time I said no, you can do it. I'll look up stuff and read off stuff I think might be useful/important and he's always say something like I already know that, or that doesn't apply. Well, then you can much more easily skim over what you are reading and know if you need to keep reading or not! Why waste my time? And he spends hours sitting at him computer in the evening time between when I go to bed and he does. Use that time for that! If he can sit there for hours looking at whatever he does (he likes google earth and a car guys forum he frequents or watching youtube videos on stuff, or messaging with friends) he can just as easily read/learn/research something.

We also had a little discussion yesterday about his constant issue with his iphone being filled up with pics and videos, no easy way to transfer the "albums" to hard drive and organize. He acts like it's my fault. I told him yesterday I don't have any more knowledge than he does on how best to copy and organize all his phone photos, yet when I can't figure it out, it's my fault. But he just gets to sit there and say "oh, I don't now how to do it". I told him probably the best way is for him to daily or weekly transfer his latest photos to his hard drive and put them in the folders/albums he wants them in. That way there are a manageable number to deal with daily or weekly, rather than every couple of  months me having to figure out how to get hundreds of new photos and videos copied over and then of course they don't copy over in albums/organized like he had them on his phone.

I do call my mom every single day, even if it's just to talk for a few minutes. Some days are so hard to just do it! I'm busy, I will put off making the call until "later" and then later comes and I'm tired and do not feel like talking. Ugh. I am really really not a person who likes to talk on the phone at all, so a daily call is (some days) hard to get motivated for. I'm better if I do it in the morning, before lunch. But that is also when I seem to be at my busiest with work and time gets away. Then afternoon comes and I'm tired and sleepy and not in the mood to talk. I make myself do it at some point every day, but some days I just can't get too excited about it, haha. For people that like to talk a lot, I'm sure it's no big deal or not understood. If I never ever had to talk on a phone again the rest of my life, it wouldn't bother me one little bit, LOL.


  1. I am amazed at some of th emost basic things my husband has me do. I still laugh when we were in France and he kpet asking me to order for him becasue he didn't speak French-usually this was after the server spoke ot us in Enlgish, an dall he had to do was point and show what he wnated anyway.

    1. I think it must just be a guy thing. or blame it on mother's, LOL

  2. When a hen squats like that, she is presenting herself to you as though you were a rooster. I just reached down and gave mine a rough wiggle of my hand on her back. She seemed satisfied our social contract was intact. After all, you are the provider of food, her hero.

    Backyard chicken has good info on what is happening.

    I tried for 20 years to get rid of grubs. You will probably see a swarm of bee/wasp-like things hovering over the area with grubs. don't kill them because they are eating grubs, helping you. I think bt is what you use. I could never afford it. My chickens finally got rid of them for me. If you can get them out to the spots, the will peck and dig without ruining your lawn and eat them for you. In the spring, the grubs come closer to the surface of the lawn. That is why spring is the best time to get rid of them. But, chickens were my salvation from grubs.

    1. I have been patting her on the back :)

    2. Isn't it amazing that a hen who has never seen a rooster will brace herself for the rooster?

  3. Have you considered upping the amount he has for storage in the iCloud?? Might that be worth the $$?

    1. originally I did, but his problem is he has his whole phone memory used up so at this point I don't think it matters if he had extra iCloud storage?

    2. I feel like if you increase the icloud storage to a lot (like 500GB) then it would remove some pressure from the phone memory - or even if he got google photos on his phone, he could store some pics there?
