Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Bonus room

Here is DH's progress in the bonus room so far:

We are getting the additional laminate to come out just a bit past the end of the bar. We have extra 1x6's of rough lumber from our trees cut and he will use those to cover horizontally on the sides of the bar, underneath where countertop will go. We haven't decided yet if we are going to make or buy something to put the little bar sink in. On either of the walls behind the bar area I'd like to see if DH can make some shelves hanging from ropes. Something similar to these:

He did get a little farther, after I took the picture above, he put the plywood sheeting on each side of the bar, to cover the studs. The only reason (LOL) he knows how to make this bar is that he watched our framer make the one in our kitchen. I thought he had a slab to use for the counter top, but he does not, so he's on the lookout for one. People advertise live edge slabs all the time around here on Marketplace or Craigslist, it will just be more of deciding what we are willing to pay for one, haha.

Pay day today. I finally set my tele/internet bill up on auto pay. I don't know why I hadn't ever done that, I have just about everything else on auto pay.  Holding back some in savings for upcoming summer propane fill - and then right after that will be the "winter pre-pay" bill. I called a few weeks ago to tell them I wanted to do the summer fill and they said the winter pre pay info/sign up will be sent out in August. I don't know when they are coming to fill up, as she asked how much we currently had left (40%) so she said since it wasn't too low, we'd be put on the schedule later. I think our neighbors do the same "program" as us, so they will most likely do it when they do both at same time.


  1. Oh that room looks so lovely. Can't wait to see the finished product!

    1. thank you. I have a feeling it's going to be a long time to finished and furnished.

  2. Love it! Looks so nice. I bet it will turn out as nice as the rest of your house! I like the rope shelves too. You reminded me, i want to buy some wood for our furnace before too long, don't want to pay fall prices, lol.

  3. Your DH is very talented. No doubt the room will a fantastic addition to the rest of your house! We already had our wood delivered but still need to get our annual fill for our propane tanks.

    1. He's done laminate flooring a couple of times in our first house. He's never built a bar before though!

  4. Remind me--exactly where is this bonus room.

    1. it's the attic space above our garage. Figured we might as well use it, rather than just closed off attic. Someday we'll finish it out, I hope. We did at least have it drywalled/tape and textured, painted, and lights put in during the build, so I'm really glad we had that done.
