Friday, July 31, 2020

Friday stuff

When I went out to the chicken coop last evening I peeked in the 2 nest boxes (as always, LOL) and the one that has the fake egg in it was all disturbed and the fake egg all pushed over to the corner. Still no real egg, but at least one of them was checking out the accommodations!

It's going to be so hot again here today at 100 degrees. My mom called me. 9:30 am and I'm thinking oh oh, something must be bothering her, LOL. Nope. She's already been down to the dining room to have breakfast. Been playing her solitaire on the computer and going back down at 11 for an exercise session outside (in the shade and they sit in chairs). It's only (haha) about 80 at 11am.

I'm not feeling much like working on this Friday. I miss my half day Fridays. I guess my weekend is going to be busy helping DH with his shop shelf/loft project. He wants me to stain the boards/posts. Hopefully I won't have to work all day with him. I am so hoping, though, that once he's done with it, it will give him a bunch of extra storage space, to start to get stuff cleared off the pallets/floor space.

No word again from the fencing guy - who like a week or two ago said he'd be out this week. It's all just ridiculous around here. We discussed calling some other fencing companies for bids but here's how it will go. After about 3 or more weeks they will finally get out here to give us a bid. If by some miracle it's not way over what our guy bid us and we hired them, it would be another 3 months before they actually got out here and did the meantime our original guy probably would have finally been able to get out here and had it done.

I'm having VPN/remote log in issues today. I am so not in the mood to deal with it on a Friday! Finally I'm back in my regular job, but now I can't get into my side job. I am just ready for it to be 4:30...but it's only noon :(


  1. Your mom seems to be settling down much better in her new place doesn't she. Very positive!

    1. yes, she seems much more interested in getting involved with things. I think it also helps that this place encourages the residents to join in much more than her old place.

  2. Good new on the egg front! Be sure to check other places because sometimes they just choose a new place to lay. Your mother seems like things are improving. great

    1. I have been checking all over (thought it's not too big of coop, so not too many hiding places). I am so ready for my first eggs, LOL.

  3. Glad you mom is thriving! My neighbor is building a coop for the 21 chicks they bought three weeks ago. Good luck to him!!
