Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Things are growing

Flowers, plants and veggies are growing (despite being eaten by the deer).

Both my tomato plants are growing. The first plant I bought I thought would die because I had broken the stem when repotting it, so I bought another one. It had 2 good sized tomatoes growing it it when I bought it, but two times wind blew the pot over on our patio and the tomatoes fell off. Now there is one growing on that plant and the dying plant is looking pretty good and has 2 small ones on it.

The strawberry plant that got munched down by the deer came right back and now has a few berries growing on it.

A new to me perennial is doing well in one of my planter boxes. "Catmint". I really like it. Would be good for in the ground since it spreads out and has a little height to it.

And the best news that is growing - is our young neighbor couple down at the end of the street are expecting a baby around Christmas time! They have a 3 year old boy and are excited to be welcoming a new addition.


  1. I can't wait for my tomato plants to start producing. The plants are really leggy but nothing much else is happening and I LOVE home grown tomatoes. And that catmint is very pretty!

    1. I'm not a huge tomato fan but do like homegrown ones much better than store. DH loves them.

  2. We just put our second garden in. We started last year. Last year we didn't have much happen but this year we are LOADED with banana peppers, shishito peppers. We had grown a lot of squash as well. My tomato plants again this year while they are producing they aren't doing too well. Im not sure what we are doing wrong. I wanted to plant strawberries so badly this year but I couldn't find any in my area for some reason this season. I've never seen Catmint before. It looks so pretty!

    1. This is my first try with tomato plants. My sis told me to pinch of the little sprouts in between the "v"'s of the branches, so I have started doing that.

  3. If you put catmint in the ground don't be surprised if it takes over.

    1. that's what I heard! I think it might be a good place to put some in our big rockery area and let it do it's thing :)

  4. I am so glad your plants are doing well. You will have to dig catmint out of the grass if you put it in the ground. New babies are exciting.

    1. well, probably a good thing I only put it in my big planter until I know more how it grows.
