Sunday, July 19, 2020

Saturday stuff

DH likes to sleep in plain white t-shirts, a little larger than his size. I ordered him like 6 several years ago but after all his washings and sleeping in, they are falling apart. I couldn't remember where I had ordered from, LOL. Finally figured out it was and found my old order.  They are only $7 each, so I ordered 6 and we decided to go another size up just to give him even more sleeping room.

Then I went on to JCP to order him some more underwear. He has always worn their "Stafford" brand briefs. I think that is the only thing I ever shop for at JCP now. I used to shop at JCP for a lot of our clothes and linens, but somehow they changed over the years and I haven't shopped there in many years now. They stopped making the jeans I like and had changed the store inside so much I didn't care for it anymore. So, anyway, it was buy one get one half off on the briefs, plus a 30% off coupon code. I get it in my cart and go to check out and then they say they are out of that size. Gah! I waited until afternoon and checked again and it was showing back in stock, so I got the order in.

Yesterday was mostly spent cleaning house. Dinner was a chicken, veggies, stovetop type casserole. Tonight's dinner will be leftover hashbrown casserole from Friday night's dinner. Tomorrow will be leftover "taco soup" pulled out of the freezer.

I still have no chicken eggs, LOL. Friend texted me last night to see if anything yet. She got 5 eggs yesterday from her 7 or 8 chickens. She can't figure anything out haha, other than she does give hers oyster shell supplement and my half sis mentioned the same thing. I have to run into town later this morning to pick up a few groceries, so friend said to stop by and pick up a little bag of the oyster shells she will leave for me on her garage bench (she won't be home, but they always leave their garage unlocked, LOL). It also sounds like maybe she gives hers more scraps/treats than I have been. She had told me, when I picked up the chicks, she uses the layer crumbles for feed, so that is what I have been feeding. Then in her text she says feeding layer pellets?...I told her no, still the crumbles. Then she said she is still finishing up her layer crumbles bag and then when that is out she will switch to pellets, so that is not the difference between our chickens. She also suggested getting a back of meal worms, since mine don't get to roam around the yard looking for bugs. I will pick up oyster shells and meal worms next weekend when I go to the city. She said her's love the bread she always give them (I do give mine daily) but also they really like noodles. I haven't made anything with noodles in quite awhile, but will have to remember that. Or maybe just make up a small batch of spaghetti noodles for them, LOL.


  1. I liked JCP back in the early 90s. As I went back to the US over the course of last 27 years or so, I always walked in and felt the gradual change too. Last year they had a massive sale but, the store I went in was so disorganized, it was difficult to find the sizes I was looking for.

    1. I agree, the stores became little depts within the store last time I went inside one. And I don't think my clothing tastes had changed, but I could never find anything I liked anymore.

  2. Mine laid eggs for five days before i figured it out! Put a golf ball where you want them to lay eggs. Is there any way they are laying somewhere you are not looking? Is the bedding in the laying box disturbed? Mine would bury the eggs accidentally. I had a snake one time. Snakes can just live in the nest and wait for the egg. I fed egg shells to mine. Take the shells and put them in the oven after you use the oven and use the leftover heat after you turn it off. My mother did this and it is a Depression-era solution. When the eggs are slightly browned, the chickens no longer recognize them as shells, so they will not learn to be egg eaters. Extreme heat will keep hens from laying. I used the egg shells instead of oyster shells for the calcium.

    The only thing i ever bought from JCP was my husband's underwear. So, I don't miss them at all. I could never get any help when i did try to shop there.

    1. I have looked all over. I put a fake egg in one of the nesting boxes about a week ago.

  3. I often wonder about how all the chickens that were added have been doing. Thanks for the update on your chickens.

    1. they seem to be doing fine - just no eggs yet haha!

  4. A higher protein layer chicken feed helps with egg production. We use 18%. Also oyster shells for their gullets. When they forage for bugs it help also. Kitchen scraps fill them but dont help with egg production. Their main calories should be feed first.

    1. I had read that too, not to overfill them on scraps and that their get their main calories from feed, so I've been careful not to do a lot of scraps, but from what my friend and sis are telling me they give theirs, I haven't really been giving them as much as they do.

  5. They will lay when they are ready. I also used to give mine cooked eggshells but haven’t done that for years. I don’t do oyster shell either. Those are for shell quality and my shells are fine. I do give them grit in the winter just because they aren’t out in the yard. I feed mine pellets because they waste less, and it’s always available, then in the evening when I want them back in their pen I gave them Their scratch, mealworms, and any scraps I have from the day. It’s their favorite time of day! Well, that and when I let them out of the pen. It’s cute, when they think they’ve been out too long I find them on the deck looking for me because they are ready for their treats, and I have one that is very quick to chew me out if I don’t give them mealworms fast enough. Those things are like crack to a chicken.

    1. I just ordered some mealworms that should be here on Friday. Seems like every chicken person has their way of taking care of them and I'm kind of like you - I'm sure they will lay when they are ready, LOL. I thought it kinda funny go give oyster shells for stronger shell, when I don't even have any shells yet! LOL

  6. That’s true. You will find what works for you. This is year 20 for me and I have changed things over the years. I used to try to do everything perfect and then I figured out they will thrive no matter what I do as long as I keep the fox and dogs away from them.

    1. I'm sure you've learned quite a bit about what to do and not do over the years :)

  7. Those free range eggs of yours sound like they are going to turn out pretty expensive!!! Still, it's more likely the pleasure of keeping chickens rather than the free eggs right?

    1. You are right. I've been under no illusion that the eggs will compensate for the cost of having them, LOL. I just wanted the experience of having them and the free eggs will be a little bonus, haha.

  8. Back in the day, I used to love shopping at JCP. A couple of months ago, I was considering ordering sheets from them, but was a little concerned to do so given their financial trouble. Kind of made me wonder if I'd get my order.

    1. I suspect at some point DH will have to change to a different store for underwear! You should have seen him when they stopped making those white Nike's with the red swoosh, LOL.

  9. I like JCP but on line.. I went into their store last month because I had returns from march and I can not stand the inside of their stores. I can't find anything! Everything is SO spread out all over the place and there doesn't seem to be any rhyme or reason too it. I tire easily with walking and this was just nuts so I will stick to online shopping. As for the chickens, I don't know much , we had some years ago (want a few more) and we used to feed them pellets and table scraps and they always produced good batches of eggs. Mine weren't able to roam freely a lot either because we have dogs but we would let them out at night in the warmer months, keep the dogs inside and let the chickens roam the yard until the sun would start going down and they would go back into their house. I have neighbors who only feed their chickens, tortillas! Don't ask me how that works.. LOL..

    1. Tortiallas? hmmm..LOL. I suppose once they decide to start laying they will do a good job, haha.

    2. I also meant to add I'd probably shop JCP online too but seems like every time I looked the shipping min order was so high.
