Friday, July 3, 2020

Did I just have a week off?

Friday already. Were did my week off vacation go? Doesn't even feel like I've had one at all. Boo!

Yesterday I had to take my mom back to the wound care office so they could check out the progress. Her appointment was at 10:30 and starting around 8am I was waiting for her call telling me she just didn't feel well. Sure enough, around 8:30 my phone rings. But, miracle of miracles, it was just her telling me she was showered and dressed and just waiting for her breakfast.

I got to her place about 9:45, so I wanted to see her rash compared to Tuesday afternoon, last I saw it. Now the open sore part was completely gone. Still very red in where the open sore had been, but way better. The dr. was running about a half hour late, which of course is mostly frustrating because every other minute my mom is commenting on it and worried I have other stuff to do. I kept telling her dr's are rarely on time and I always budget myself 45 minutes at a dr. office. Then she tries to tell me again she could get a car and start driving herself to these appointments. I again told her she doesn't know where anything is around here and would get lost. She said she could learn. I said do you remember coming here last week? She did not, LOL.

Dr. (and nurse) thought her yeast infection looked so much better and were very happy with the progress. Since the open wound part is healed she doesn't need to keep the bandage dressing on (that was changed every 2 days). Just apply the anti fungal cream 2x a day and keep that cotton strip tucked in underneath her stomach. They gave us another roll of cotton and another tube. I decided since it's improving and no dressing to change every 2 days, she doesn't need to come back to my place. I cut up all the cotton into the size strips she needs. Set them, along with the cream on top of her little medicine cabinet below her bathroom mirror and taped a note with the 2 instructions on the mirror behind it. Of course, I will be calling/reminding daily to do the cream and cotton.

As we are leaving the parking lot she again mentions she should have her own car and drive. I said I'm sorry but you won't be able to remember the directions to places. Then I said do you remember what the doctor just told you a few minutes ago for what you need to do for your rash now? She did not. The next time she brings it up I'm just going to say well, then you'd have to take the driving and written test to get a license here. LOL.

After I drove to the other side of town to drop off the payment to our sprinkler system guy at his office. I'm driving down streets/part of town I've never even been on and my mom says "oh this looks familiar, I think I've been here before". I laughed and said I've never even been here before, so you for sure haven't. LOL. We owed him for what we had him add to our system at his last visit. I had gotten his address off their website and had told his daughter the day before, after she emailed me the bill, I would drop it off (though of course half hour later than I thought, as dr was running late). I get there and the place (old house) is now an insurance company office. I tried to call but no answer and left a message. Then decided to get my mom back to her place so she could have lunch. I had sent dh a text that I was waiting for a call as to where their office really was, LOL. He got a hold of the owner guy via his cell phone and called me with the address.

After I dropped the payment off, and ready to head home, I decided to stop at Home Depot and look for some small ornamental grass type plants we want in numerous spots. I got like 10 of those (3 different kinds) and 2 larger bush type plants to put near each end of our back patio. 4 of the grass plants were on clearance for $3. They looked in great condition and inside were some more, that looked exactly same, but still at regular price of $8. But, stupid me, forgot we were out of potting soil. This morning I'm going to run into our little town hardware store and hope they have some.

A week or so ago DH put some fertilizer on all our lawn. It was different shades of green all over. Dark green, spots of light green, medium green, etc. Within a week now our lawn is completely all one dark green color. He's very pleased. He had asked a friend, who's lawn is very nice, what he did, so he gave DH the name of the type of fertilizer he uses.

My mom called me yesterday afternoon that she had gone downstairs to play bingo - and won twice. I'm so glad she is doing activities. I'm sure it will be so good for her.


  1. I'm glad your mom's rash seems to be improving. It must be very uncomfortable for her. And it seems like she might be starting to settle in her new place too. I hope things keep on improving for you both!

    1. apparently the rash really doesn't bother her much. When I would first put on the antifungal cream she would say she feels it itching, but just for a minute or so. I think that's part of the problem -she can't feel it, so forgets she has it and to take care of it :(

  2. I am glad the rash is healing. You will not have to worry about it once it is completely cured.

    1. I will be so glad when it's completely healed. Then I can just keep an eye that it doesn't come back or in a different place.

  3. Good news for your mom. I know errand and carer vacations are just a different kind of work

    1. I really only had Wednesday and today to relax and get my stuff done. Still haven't even got the the housework I was planning!

  4. Bingo is a favorite & usually well attended.
    Glad your mom is doing better.
    Hopefully you did or can sneak in some down time. It's a ways until Monday! :)

    1. Today was a fairly decent downtime, though spent most of it planting stuff in the yard, haha.

  5. Since she has had this rash and you know the reason, it can reappear if it gets damp/hot/sweaty. Hopefully, she can make it a habit to dry it and keep a piece of fabric there to keep it dry.

    Maybe her mind is clearing some since she thinks about driving. I know the elderly do not know what they cannot do. But, with the exposure to your environment and going to bingo, this might be a turning point in her memory issues. Even if her memory never gets better, maybe it will not get worse. Sensory deprivation will affect memory.

    I meant to ask--did she see your chickens? What is her reaction to your having chickens?

    1. that;s what the dr's nurse said, too. Watch her groin areas, under her breasts and armpits. Easy to get the yeast infections there, with the moisture. When we first got here I said I was going out to give the chickens a treat, so she wanted to come out, but she didn't seem too interested, really. She's never really been much of an animal person, though she did mention several times while she was here how well behaved our dogs are.

  6. Glad to hear that the rash is healing. That's the problem with these sort of vacations when we take time off work to attend to family and things around the house! They never feel quite like vacations, do they? Hope you'll have a relaxed weekend.

    1. I'm really glad I decided to take the whole week off and not just Mon and Tues, as originally planned. At least I got a couple days to myself, sorta, LOL

  7. The time/age vortex...back in the day, say I was 19, a week sure seemed a heck of a lot longer. I bear that in mind when my would-be-college-boy is chomping at the bit...seems like only yesterday we went on lockdown. For him, it's an eternity.
