Friday, July 10, 2020

Frustrating Friday

My uncle texted me this morning. He said my Mom called him about 10 minutes earlier, at 7:40 this morning (6:40 his time) and said she didn't sound very well, would I call her and check on her? I called her and she seemed ok when she answered hello. I told her uncle just called because he said you called him a few minutes ago and he was worried you didn't sound well. It sounds like she must have just woke up and had been dreaming something or thinking about something and thought she needed to call him. Something about money lent or owed (and only $10 at that) but she said she must have been dreaming something, she wasn't really sure. But, she sounded alert and not confused 10-15 minutes later when I alled. She did that one of the mornings she stayed with me. She came out of the bedroom (obviously had just woken up) and asked if she needed to call down and tell them she wanted (or didn't want, I can't recall now) breakfast? When I replied, then she said "oh, I must have been dreaming about it when I woke up". Then she was fine.

So, when we had our driveway paved (that was a BUTTLOAD of money) dh asked when it would/should be re-sealed coated. He was told not for 3-5 years and the company owner told him $1400. Our neighbors are planning to have theirs done by them. The owners wife (she does the bids and such) just called DH and said while they are out in our area and a neighbors doing some other sealcoats, did we want ours done? They would do it for $2250. DH is like what?! It's brand new! I was told 3-5 years and she's like "no, it should be done right away". I'm like we just paid $$K fricken dollars to have brand new asphalt poured and we're now supposed to add another $2250 to the cost of it? Hell No! What in the hell?! DH looked up info on sealcoating asphalt and he just read it should not be done on newly poured asphalt for at least 6 months, to allow the oils to do whatever. What a scammer! DH told her probably not, but he'd talk to me (money boss). I swear to God, if he tries to talk me into this because he's feeling pressure from her I'm going to come unglued. If that needed to be sealed within a month after pouring we should have been told that and included in their original/bid estimate. I am so sick of people!

I'm trying to get payroll done this morning. Everyone's hours are messed up because for some reason the 7/3 holiday is showing as Sat and Sun 7/4 and 7/5. We aren't even open on weekends. The payroll advisor told me it was fixed, and it was - for about the first 14 employees, but when I got to the 15th (I was double checking everyone) no one after that was fixed.

I'm going to get serious about stocking up pantry and freezer. Things are going to get worse, no matter which guy ends up in the oval office come November. I need to start making lists and trying to figure out how much we need of things for at least 6 months on hand.  I'll have to start doing some calculations on how much I actually use per week, etc. A few weeks or a month or two supply isn't enough.


  1. You have me thinking as well tha tI am going to start adding a few thing back in , but not go crazy abou tit. I definitiy want more paper products and cleaning supplies than I had on hand. Ialso wan tot create a cheat sheet of meals I can make wiht all pantry staple ingredients, and then have at least a two week supply tucked away.

  2. Are you going to stock up because of Covid-19? Do you think your area will be hit too? That is scary.

    As for your payroll company, I do not know what to say. I wonder what kind of an agreement you guys signed. I would have kicked them out a long time ago. They are making your life miserable.

    1. I'm stocking up for several reasons: Covid-19, the civil unrest and support for defunding police going on all over this country, and the election. When a police precinct can be taken over by Antifa and abandoned by the police, none of us are really safe anymore.

  3. I have had more stocking up for a few weeks and started. No matter who wins, covid19 is here to stay for a few years. Things will get worse in our food supply. Since i got the new freezer, i have bought no more meat. But, i will the next time I find bscb for $1.99/lb. or less.

    1. I think things are going to get worse in our food supply also and I need to get serious about now rather than later.

  4. Wow that lady sure was trying to scam you right! And I'm like you - I always had to put my foot down with my ex because he really was a pushover when anyone pressured him. I remember him letting in some religious guys years ago when we lived in D.C. and we couldn't get rid of them for about 90 minutes. In the end I just told them to leave and leave now because I'd had enough. Then they had the nerve to call back about a month later to "let us know" they were going back to Texas so I told them to have a safe trip - but didn't let them over the door!

    1. I hate people trying to get extra money, especially when we just paid them a whole bunch
