Saturday, July 4, 2020

A dinner guest

Yesterday morning I went into town hoping to find some bags of topsoil/potting soil so we could plant the stuff I bought Thursday. I was pretty sure the hardware store had some, but decided to try the lumber store first and they had them. DH had told me to get 4 bags. But that was only about half of what we needed LOL, so an hour later I was back getting 4 more. And we still didn't quite have enough, then I found a little bit left in a bag in our garage.

We planted 10 small ornamental grass type plants and 2 bushes. At about 9:30 last night, while watching tv something catches my eye out the front window. At first I though it was a big bird landed on the bench on the back patio, but as I stood up to get a better look I see this!
Happily munching away on my flowers. From where I was sitting on the couch, I could only see his ears and antlers. He was hardly afraid of us at all, he didn't really want to leave. After he did we then realized he ate most of the brand new bush planted right behind him. UGH! Then I realized he also munched down the big strawberry plant sitting on the patio right next to that bench. We got up this morning to the other bush at the other end of the patio all eaten, too. Guess he decided his $30 dinner wasn't enough, he needed the $30 dessert, too :(

I suppose we'll have to try some deer repellent.

Yesterday morning, at about 8:15 (I was in the shower) I hear our dogs start barking, like someone is here. Who could be here that early? too early for UPS/FedEx. After I turn the shower off I hear talking. Then I realize who it is. It's our "loud" friend, haha. He had been over at his property and was heading back home and stopped by on his way. He has a brand new 8 week old lab puppy. He didn't stay too long, as he had a 7 hour drive ahead of him.

I actually got to sleep in this morning for almost an extra hour. Finally, after weeks, my older dog didn't get up a half our earlier than normal. I don't know why he's been doing that. It's gotten annoying.

Hopefully today I can finally make that peach cobbler with those peaches. They are ripe now and I finally have free time today....I think....I don't think Dh has any plans. 

I received an email my Netflix gift card is about to run out, so I just canceled it. I don't watch it enough to justify $9 a month and I'm sure DD will get me a gift card for Christmas and I can renew it then.

Happy 4th of July Independence Day. Hopefully this county gets itself headed back in the right direction soon. There are too many good people in this country to let these radicals destroy it, yet it seems like that is just what we are all doing. I pray for peace and prosperity for all.


  1. Maybe it would be easier to also get plants they did not like to eat. Having them all eaten is discouraging.

    1. most of them we have been trying to get deer resistant. oh well, haha.

  2. This has a gross factor: your husband can pee near where you dont want deer. The deer take it as a mark of a predator. Hair clipping are supposed to work also

    1. our neighbor just shared some deer repellent spray she has, so hopefully that will help deter this young buck!

  3. A couple years ago we had a couple families of does and fawns that weren’t satisfied until they ate everything in my garden-everything. They won, I quit planting a garden. Last year our crab apple tree was loaded with apples. I was planning on many jelly but the deer ate every apple they could reach over a couple days. We now have 6 foot fencing around trees.

    1. they sure can be destructive. Our neighbors have a small grove of trees they planted and put a 6' fence around them

    2. Our garden used to be in a different spot and we never had trouble with deer, but we had 2 big outside dogs in the fence right next to the garden area. We moved the garden and we no longer have dogs outside. The first year after moving it was fine but then the deer found it. Now I just plant a few things in the greenhouse and call it good. Our neighbors across from us have pretty much surrendered to the deer too.

  4. A hunting store can steer you to predator pee for your place. Yes, we do have a store dedicated to hunting. You can buy anything you want to kill any living thing.

    1. lots of those stores around these parts ;) Neighbor gave me some deer repellent spray so I've tried that to see if it will keep him from dining on my stuff.

  5. Oh that deer is beautiful, but I would be devastated to lose my flowers and veggie garden!

    1. He was beautiful. On the one hand I just wanted to stand there and watch him eat....on the other hand my mind was saying "I just spent $30 on that bush!!" LOL
