Monday, December 24, 2018


We got a call from SIL first thing this morning that MIL passed away peacefully in her sleep this morning. I'm glad she didn't have to suffer very long and it's a blessing to know she is now in heaven. I'm sure FIL won't be too far behind to join her. Though, honestly, I have a feeling, even though he is heartbroken, it's probably taken a huge weight off his shoulders, as he has always carried the burden of caring for her and worrying about her.


  1. I am sorry for the loss of your MIL, but a peaceful passing is such a gift to the entire family.

  2. Sorry for your loss, prayers going out for your family

  3. My condolences... No matter how old or how sick, loss of a parent is always very tough. Your MIL's passing so peacefully is a blessing.

  4. So sorry to hear of your loss, especially during the holidays but she isn't suffering so that really is a blessing.

  5. I am so sorry for your loss. Prayers of comfort to you and your family.

  6. Sorry for your loss. Never easy to lose a parent, no matter how old. Prayers for comfort.

  7. I'm sorry to read this. I'm sure your FIL is heartbroken. This is a blessing in disguise.
    Prayers to him your DH, you & all those touched by this loss.

  8. I'm sorry for your loss. Peace to your family.

  9. Thank you all for you kind words. They mean a lot to me.

  10. So sorry for your loss but happy that your MIL left this world in a peaceful and dignified way. She did not have to worry about adjusting to a life she would have trouble understanding.

  11. You and your family are in my prayers.

  12. I'm sorry for your loss. I'm sad for your hubby that he didn't get to see his mom before she died. Did the not have a good relationship with her he didn't want to go back? Will you both now go back for funeral?

    1. It's a complicated history, but he did see her a little over a year ago and he's talked to both of them at least once a week on the phone(what little conversation she could hold). It sounds like FIL wants to wait until he passes and they have the memorial service together for both of them.

  13. So sorry for your loss. As others have said, it's a blessing that she passed peacefully in her sleep. Hard to lose our any age. Sympathy to your DH, too!

  14. So sorry to hear of your family’s loss.
