Friday, December 21, 2018

More parents updates

Some good news on my mom. Her MRI came back good.....but she seemed even more forgetful when I just talked to her. I just got a Christmas card in the mail from her and it had our old address/PO Box. I thought I had given her my new address, but maybe not. Then as I am giving her the new address - I realized it was literally the exact same conversation I now remembered telling her before! I gave her the street name and she said "is that all one word?" Then I gave her "Lane" and she said "is that Ln or Lane". I said either way. It was like deja vu. Then something came up about DD and she said she was seeing her sometime soon, she thought it was Sunday and I said "oh, DD told me she was having breakfast with you on Christmas Eve, that's on Monday". My mom then says "Christmas Eve? she is?" Oh geez. Then she looked on her calendar and saw she had written down her name on Christmas eve, but didn't write down a time. "oh, I see it, but no time. Maybe it was breakfast, I can't remember now". So, I guess the dr. will be trying to reduce her anxiety medication by half in the near future and we'll see if that helps her memory function any. I know when she first went on this medication (I didn't know it at the time) she became very scatterbrained. Trying to have a phone conversation with her was impossible. She would jump from one topic to the next and so confusing to talk to. I also know about 4 years ago, just before Christmas she tried to go off this medication and was all out of sorts, so she went back on it. I have a feeling she doesn't remember this at all, and I'm hesitant to mention it to her. I don't want her to get it in her head that's what will happen this time. Plus, I'm not so sure the last time, her dr had her gradually cutting down. And for some reason her dr. wants her to wait until summer to cut the dosage down. I'm not sure what could be the reason for that and she doesn't know.

DH's parents are struggling. If it's not one, it's the other. When MIL is doing well, FIL is not. I guess yesterday he was very upset and wanted to move back home. SIL and the care givers were able to convince him to stay there, as it is not safe for them to be at their home alone and they cannot afford to hire 24/7 care. SIL said he was calmed down a bunch by evening, but then for some reason (I don't have the details yet) 911 had to be called for MIL, but she is still at the home, didn't have to go to the hospital. Poor SIL. DH talked to FIL last night, around 7:30pm their time and he seemed ok, didn't say anything about not wanting to be there or having a rough day. As hard as it is for her, SIL is just going to have to hold her ground on this. They cannot live by themselves any more. I mean, FIL is basically considered hospice care right now, is my understanding. He can't stay by himself. It would probably also help SIL's stress level if she wasn't trying to take a vacation every month in the midst of dealing with all this, LOL. She keeps complaining she can't take anymore time off work dealing with this, yet she is literally going out of town almost once a month on personal trips/vacations.
The snow plow/quad actually ended up costing us a total of $2260. The guy mentioned it would probably need a battery soon, so DH being DH would rather replace it now, rather then when it won't start. That was $105. Then we went and put the title in our name and I guess had to license it because it can go on the road, so that was $155. Still under budget overall, and we would have had to license anything we bought, anyway.


  1. make sure your mother doesn't have a uti. my mom went thru some of the same and uti in elderly can mimic alzheimers or dementia.

    1. oh, that's a good idea to check on. I should have thought of that with MIL's recent bout with it. She did just have a dr. appt, so I'm hoping that would have been something they checked her out for, but I will ask her. Thank you.

    2. Yep - my SIL is a nurse & said the exact same thing happened to her dad.She was talking to him on the phone (he's out of state in assisted living), he was talking all nutty, & SIL gets nurse on phone & says check for UTI. That was it.

    3. She's not acting "nutty" or anything. Just can't remember recent stuff very well. MIL was acting nutty when she had hers.

  2. You may want your mom's B-12 level be checked as well. Mom was forgetful too. It turned out that she needed a B-12 supplement.

  3. Have you been to any of the doctors appointments with her or has someone? The doctor might have other concerns he/she is telling her but she is not addressing it out of fear and not wanting to discuss it.

    1. Her boyfriend went with her. I don't think she's even been for a check up for a few years, from the sounds of it. I went with her to a check up a few years ago. but the past couple of years, since I moved away, she keeps saying she needs to get in for a check up and every time I'd ask her if she's made an appt., she's say no, not yet....She's never been one to be afraid of going to the doctor, so that is good.
