Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Itchiness and other updates

Can someone explain to me why I have two bites on my leg that will not go away? I know pretty much exactly when they showed up. It was either the day I was coming home from visiting at DD's or the day after. They were small, on the side of my calf, and I figured them just to be flea bites I got from DD's house/dog/cat. She had mentioned she needed to get her dog back to the vet the next week for his flea treatment.

This was on Oct 21st, and I still have the two little bites and they still itch! What the heck?! It's not like they itch all the time, but at least once a day they start to itch and I put a dab of cortisone cream on them. Why in the world are the bites (whatever they are from) staying so long? Crazy.

We got the cabinets for our shop bathroom put up last night, so everything is done in that room now, except for some trim around the window.  Much nicer and cleaner without all the stuff sitting on top of the machines. The brown doesn't exactly match the brown wood of the vanity, but for our budget, this is what I could find. They are the same cabinets we put in the laundry room in our house we just sold, except those ones were white. I liked the white one's better, as far as how it looked more like wood painted white, than this brown looks more "fake", but these were the only brown ones I could find in our budget and for a shop bathroom they will suffice.

There is no work going on at the house, as the framers are waiting for the rest of the siding to come in, which apparently won't be until next Wednesday. He knew last week he wasn't going to have enough, but waited until this week to order. The HVAC guy is supposed to get started this week, but we haven't heard from him yet. They did get the fireplace, for the gas fireplace, built, using a beam for the mantel from a tree cut down on our property, so that is neat.

It's got some live edge on it, plus the framer said since it still has some drying to do (it was cut down summer before last) it will probably still crack some, which is fine, as we want it to look rustic.

Since DH has the day off from being "helper guy", as there is no one working on the house, he decided to go get his conceal carry license renewed. He has to drive 2 hours to do it, so will be gone a good part of the day. Better than being here in the shop, bothering me because he's bored!  He has to pay a little extra for the license because it's expired. He wasn't sure what he was going to do - he could just get a CCL here in this state, but it's not valid in as many states as his old license. He could go back to old state and renew. A small late fee, as long as he renews within 90 days of it expiring. So, that's what he decided to do. A bit of a drive, and honestly, I'm surprised he went by himself to go do it. Usually, he's so hesitant to go take care of stuff by himself.


  1. Will you leave the washer and dryer in the shop or transfer them to the house when it is done? The fireplace already looks very nice.
    When I was re-doing my bathroom, I picked dark brown cabinets too. I like the way they look.

    1. We will leave this washing machine and another dryer we have in the shop, so DH can wash his shop towels/rags. We'll take this dryer to the house and also purchase a new washing machine for the house.

  2. You might have possibly been bitten by chiggers?

    1. could be! I'm just ready for the bites to be gone.
