Thursday, December 6, 2018

Attempting the phone switch

DH had an excursion yesterday. He drove 2 hours to go renew is conceal carry permit. I had called ahead a few weeks ago and got all the info. Hours, cost, etc. They said  he would need to be fingerprinted again, since his permit was done in another county originally. Ok. So, he gets there and they tell him, sorry, we can't fingerprint you today, because it's a federal holiday due to President Bush's funeral. What are the odds, he'd pick that day?! Who knew. So, they tell him maybe try the next county sheriff's office to the north. He has me call and check with them. They said "why does he need fingerprinting again?" I explained what the other county told me and she said no, we do not need to fingerprint him again. But, they only took cash or check, no debit/credit. I had thought he didn't have much cash on him (he was planning to pay with debit card), but luckily he had a check in his wallet. So, he drove another hour to their office. Was in and out in less than 5 minutes. So, at least that is done and good for another 4-5 years. And at least it was a nice sunny (though cold) day for driving.

So, now the HVAC guy, who was supposed to get started this week has been a no show. He was supposed to get done before the electrician, who is supposed to come next week.  Frustrating and discouraging to say the least. I was hoping he'd be here, while the framers aren't, so DH still keeps busy. When he gets bored and nothing is going on, he starts thinking too much. So, far this morning he's keeping busy cleaning up some of the construction debris and reorganizing the pallets of stuff still out there.

My new iphone 6 arrived by FedEx this morning. I'm going to like having a little bigger screen (it will be easier on these old eyes). It's sitting on my desk trying to warm it up to room temperature. The thing feels like an little ice block. It's like 10 degrees outside and apparently it wasn't much warmer in the FedEx guys delivery van, LOL.  Wish me luck with a smooth transition from my old phone content to my new phone..........


  1. Good luck. It always takes me a while not only when I have a new phone but also when they update and change everything I was used to.

    1. it went pretty well. DH can't stand it when they update stuff. He's always asking "am I supposed to do this update?" yes.....every time. LOL

  2. Good luck! It is a little frustrating switching phones. But we both switched from Verizon to WalMart carrier and we go through it. And we are not nearly as tech as you. Hope you have a peaceful weekend.

    1. When DH had to get his new iphone, we had it transferred at the Verizon store where we bought the phone. We get really good Verizon service out here in rural area, so I am going to stay with it, especially since I need my phone for work.
