Tuesday, December 4, 2018

New vet

Yesterday afternoon we had to take our older dog to the vet for his checkup and vaccines. Plus, I wanted some bumps and lumps he's been getting checked out. I had hoped they are just a result of him getting old (he's 10 now) and thankfully the vet said they are all benign stuff. I forget the medical names of them. Some fatty type cysts and some wart looking things. He said none of them are an issue and common as dogs get old, mostly it's the owners bothered by them and not the pet, haha.  Other than that, he is doing well. He could stand to loose a few (8 to be exact) pounds, and that has pretty much always been the case, though he is down 2-3 pounds in the past couple of years, as he gets more exercise here.  Again, I am trying to get DH to at least cut down on the treats and table scraps he feeds them. At least give him half a treat - break the milk bone or beggin stip in half. I told DH I don't want to cut down on his food amount (already did that a couple years ago) as that is what he is getting his nutrients from, not the treats.  I do give them some milk bone treats (we have the small size), but I always break them in half to split and I never feed them what I am eating., other than green beans, which they love and which the vet also recommended as a good no calorie treat. So, what does DH do as we stop and get McD's for dinner? Gives the dogs french fries as we are driving home........

I tried a different vet. The closest vets are in the city, but the one I had tried (neighbors recommended) was on the far side of town. Plus, the last time I was there I was not thrilled with the complete chaos in their waiting room. Completely packed. I'm used to walking into a vet office and maybe there is one other person/animal waiting or checking out. So, while we had been at this little business center looking at gas fireplaces a couple of weeks ago, I noticed there was a vet office in the complex. It's right off the first exit to the city and when I googled them, they had 5 star reviews (the other place had 3), so I decided to give them a try. It was certainly much easier to get there then the other place (and better parking) and will probably save 15 minute drive each way. I was the only one in the waiting room, while we waited to be called back. They were prompt and I was out of there with him in 30 minutes. When I went to check out there was one person with a dog waiting for their appt and then someone else walked in with a cat carrier. That's how it should be. Not 20 people crammed into a small waiting room shoulder to shoulder with their pets. I liked the vet. He seemed calm and took time to talk over with me about his lumps and bumps and was good at explaining. While they might have been a bit more expensive then the other place, it was a better experience overall. Most of the $149 bill was 4 vaccines. The office visit was $42. I was just relieved to find out he has nothing serious going on.

We are 35 minutes to the first freeway exit (now that the road construction is done) and the vet office is just down the road a bit from there and also in the same area where we shop, so it was convenient. After the vet visit we had to go over to Lowe's and pick up some cabinets we ordered for the bathroom here in the shop, as well as we picked up some wire shelving that DH is going to put in the mechanical room (where the water heater and stuff is) so he has some more storage space. He started putting together the cabinets last night and got the tall narrow cabinet that goes next to the washing machine done. We now have that filled with towels and toilet paper. He's got the cabinet that goes over the washer and dryer put together, but not on the wall yet. Then we can put the laundry detergent and stuff up in that and we won't feel so cluttered in there.

I see my new iphone I ordered is on it's way. Originally the order email had said it wouldn't be available to ship until the end of December. Now, I'll most likely have to make another trip back to the city to go to the Verizon store and get my old phone swapped to the new one. I only have to work a half a day this Friday, so I may do it then. No snow is forecast, just cold, sunny and dry, so the drive will be fine if I go by myself.

The house progress seems like it has slowed down, even though there have been 4 guys working on it the past couple of weeks. They got most of it sided, but didn't order enough and told DH this morning that today is their last day until the siding comes in.....but didn't say when that would be. You watch, now they'll get off on a new job and it'll be like pulling teeth to get them to come back and get to work again. There is still so much that the framer has to do, regardless of the siding. There is still a fireplace wall inside to build, an enclosure for the drop in tub, as well as the whole staircase!


  1. Do you have an iPhone currently? If so, you don’t need to go to the store to transfer all that to your new phone. You just run a back up of your old phone onto your computer or into the cloud. Then when you turn on your new phone it’ll ask you if you want to set it up as new phone or as an existing phone. Click existing, then upload the back up to your new phone. If they’re not sending a new SIM card, it’s easy to pop the old one out(use a paper clip) and put it in the new one. Turn off and restart your new phone and you should be good to go!

    1. Thanks for the info! Yes, I'm upgrading from an iphone 5 to a 6 (wooo! LOL) I see in the email they sent about shipping the phone was a link on how to transfer over. I believe it comes with a sim card. Hopefully it all works smoothly. I just want to make sure my stuff I use on there for work transfers, email and phone system app.

  2. The change to the new vet sounds like a smart move. The office we use has three vets. I always request a certain one as he takes time with our pets and doesn't rush the appointment. Good that it is closer too.

    I think I would have a tough time not being glued to watching the progress on the house! Did your front door get installed yet?

    1. This office has 2 vets and so did the other one, I think. No front door put in. Now they are waiting on the rest of the siding, which they knew last week they were going to run out but didn't order until Monday. Supposedly they will all be back next Wednesday, when the siding comes. We'll see.......
