Wednesday, December 26, 2018

Christmas update

We had a nice Christmas Day. We went over to our next door neighbors in the morning, for brunch. They had also invited another couple, whom we have met before. It was a really nice time. She had so much yummy food and we all had great conversation. We all ended up staying until like 2:30 in the afternoon.  We walked back home and made a few phone calls. Video chatted with our daughter. We took a nap and then in the evening we went over and visited for a couple of hours with the friends we used to live across the street from. (the one's we had dinner with last Friday evening).

DH's dad is holding up. He did get to spend Christmas eve and Christmas Day at SIL's house. Now they are just trying to figure out obituary, etc. FIL wants to wait until he passes and them have a memorial service for the both of them together. He's so heartbroken, I'm sure he just doesn't want to have to go through a service and I'm sure he figures he's not going to be too far behind her in passing.

DH talked to his younger brother yesterday for a bit. Apparently he talked to the oldest brother, who still seems to want to give everyone a headache. When DH was talking to his dad on the phone last night FIL said that the last time he talked to the oldest was a couple of months ago, right before he went in for his heart surgery. Older brothers words to FIL: hey, don't spend all my inheritance. He's such a loser.

Our contractor finally showed up today, with a few guys, to get started fixing the mold issue in the crawl space. They've been having some ozone machines running for the past week or so, which has killed some of it, but there is still a lot of black down there, so they are spraying and scrubbing. He said it will probably take the two guys he brought with him the rest of this week to finish it. The insulation crew is supposed to come back today. It's already noon, but the head guy just called and sounds like his guys are still coming today. They will probably be here early this afternoon, again work until 8:30 or so this evening and then stay at the hotel again, as they have at least 3 more days of work to do, too.  The dry wall guy is supposed to come on Jan 7th to get started. Supposedly, as he gets an area done, the tape and texture guy will be here to get started, too.

We got about 4 inches of snow or so on Christmas Eve morning, so DH got to try out his new quad/slow plow. It works ok. At least should get him through this winter.

DD got me another Netflix gift certificate, for a gift. I had run out of the one she gave me for Mother's Day, so I haven't had Netflix now for a few months. This time she got me a $60 card, so should last me for about 7 months of the service.

DS also called again on Christmas eve, after hearing about MIL passing. I did at least get to talk to him for a little bit. First time in over 4 years. It was hard, but at the same time, so nice to hear his voice. When he talked to DH first, he mostly just asked him a lot of questions about what we have been doing, and he did the same with me. Hopefully, at some point, we'll get an explanation for all these past 4 years. I'm still wary of hoping for too much...just to end up having him disappear on us.


  1. I hope your family is finding peace as the plans are made. I think I understand your father in law-my dad thought he would pass before my mom, so being live over a year and half later was tough on him alone. As four years have passed, perhaps your son is starting to grow. you may never get explanations, but maybe you can get a new start.

    1. yes, I think DH and his siblings are doing ok with it. It's just hardest on FIL, especially as I'm sure he just wants to join her.

  2. I'm with you. I'm sure your FIL can't imagine having a service. That would be so painful for him.
    I'm glad you enjoyed Christmas.
    It's almost 2019!!

    1. I think it will be easier on everyone just to have a service for them both together, especially if he doesn't hang on too much longer.

  3. thinking of you and your family, it must be very hard on FIL. glad you were able to have a nice Christmas day and talk to DS.

    1. I'm pretty sure FIL can't imagine life without MIL. They were married 58 years.

  4. I wish you a great New Year. May be your son and you will re-connect and have a fresh start.

  5. I've only just gotten my "favourites" back up on my new computer so I'm afraid I missed the news about your MIL. My condolences to you all. And yes it must be very hard for your FIL. I guess the men always expect to go first don't they. But I'm so glad you got to speak to your son at long last. Let's hope he really is growing up and 2019 will be a happier time for you all.
