Wednesday, December 19, 2018

An extra Merry Christmas

My UPS overnight-ed bonus check finally arrived late yesterday afternoon. Well, it was totally worth the wait!! In addition to the bonus I was expecting, I received an additional bonus of $3000 (net $2500)!  That is so awesome and I am so surprised and thrilled. I sent my boss an email (she's been asking if UPS showed up yet) and thanked her so much. She said not everyone got the extra, but she was given some additional funds to allocate to extra bonus's and wanted me to know how much she appreciates me and all I do.

It's about a 400 mile straight shot east from my office to where I am now. I looked at the UPS tracking detail for this overnight letter. OMG! It took quite the scenic route around the country, I tell ya. That letter envelope traveled 4000 miles. Good grief, LOL.

ok now, for what I was really starting to post about:

Sibling dynamics are always so interesting. I grew up an only child, so it's all pretty much foreign to me. I do have step siblings, but they are all older than me and they lived with their mom (or were already grown up, when their dad and mom split) so I don't have that experience.

DH is one of 5 kids. He is the second oldest, with his older brother being 7 years older than him (so he's 61 now). His 3 younger siblings range from 15 months younger to 7 years younger than him. The oldest and his wife are complete SCUM. I don't think we've seen them in probably 20 years or talked to them. They never wanted much to do with any of the family and that was just fine with us. It's not that they every really broke ties or anything happened, they just do not bother to keep in touch. On occasion they will contact the parents, but it can be years in between. Their own 3 kids barely have anything to do with them.

But this is the sibling and his wife (I'm sure most of it is generated by her) that thinks it's ok to message SIL on Facebook and give her grief because they weren't told this or that. SIL said she tells them every time, "dad says if you want to know what is going on with him and mom, then call them and talk to them". DH told SIL awhile back he would call (I think this was when FIL had the surgery that didn't go well and he was in ICU) older brother and let him know. Of course he didn't answer his phone and never called back. Then last Friday night, when FIL went into ER, DH tried to call this older brother, again no answer or return call. DH doesn't leave voicemails. He figures in this day and age with everyone having a cell phone in their hand or pocket 24/7 the brother knows someone is trying to get a hold of him.

If I was SIL I probably would have just given them a quick courtesy phone call, short and sweet and then told them to call dad if you want to know what is going on with them, from here forward. Just to save the aggravation you know is coming from them. So, SIL tells oldest brother (or really it was most likely his wife on the other end of the Facebook message, it's her Facebook account) that DH has tried to call him at least a couple of times (I think it's actually been 3 attempts) in the past couple of months. The reply back was "what?! he's alive? (like DH is the one hiding, LOL) I really doubt he tried to call me, he doesn't have the nerve, and if he did, why didn't he leave a message?"  This is from a 61 year old adult! Not to mention IF they had bothered to call the parents any time in the last 2 1/2 years they would have known "DH was alive".

How about act like a normal person and say "oh, he tried to call me? I didn't know (or didn't recognize the number, so I didn't answer). Give me his number and I'll call him back!". It's obvious they are just looking for an excuse to complain and be as annoying as they can.

DH called his dad's cell last night and MIL answered. Oh boy was she chatty! Normally she will get on the phone and say a few words to DH and that's it. So, it's very good to know she is liking this place. FIL is feeling worse and worse (as expected, though) so DH didn't talk to him too long. We're just glad they now have 24 hr care.


  1. Such a blessing that the in-laws are in care and all that is settled. Too bad FIL is going downhill be expected at their ages I guess.

    1. yes, to be expected. I was kind of hoping FIL would at least feel better for a little while, since he can get better rest now and especially that MIL seems happier, too.

  2. Hey I see your troll is back again. Great news on the bonus. Wow. I kinda wish my employer would show that kind of appreciation but I did find a bottle of wine on my desk this morning! Very nice. As for siblings!!! Tell me about it. So sad. I am no. 7 of 7 but 2 died young so we were only 5 growing up. Poor but close. BUUUUT the sister directly above me always had in her head that she wasn't treated as well as the rest of us (which was complete BS) but she definitely has a personality problem. The thing is she is GREAT company when we are together. However she married and lives in Denmark, went through a crap marriage like mine and we all sent her money and went over and so on. The thanks? She stopped bothering with everyone. She at least made it to my dad's funeral in 2005 but after that never bothered to call (for free of course) my poor old mom, nor write, except when she wanted a free vacation at my other sister's house on the south coast of England. As soon as she went back that was it. My oldest brother's wife died suddenly 4 years ago and no reaction. Mom died 3 months later and we weren't going to even let her know but my nephew did and she showed up at the funeral. And everything was fine. My brother asked why she didn't keep in touch and her only response was "I don't know". As of yesterday we heard that said brother is really ill and who knows if he will make it. This has only been 10 days in the making this illness and I was actually thinking we probably won't even tell her if something happens. I can't believe it. We sent her money, presents for the kids, for the grandkids and she couldn't even call my dear old mom for 10 years or just wave at her on skype. The rest of us still just shake our heads because we can't figure it out. I guess you have to stop trying in the end. Some people just can't be figured out. Her loss though as we are a close family. (Sorry for the epic post but it just makes me so sad)! Anna

    1. it is sad. I know the younger brother DH has been talking to sure feels like he was treated totally different than the rest and has a totally different view of their childhood than DH, and they are only 15 months apart in age. DH told his sister last night not to even send him anything (she had forwarded older brother's messages she got) about it. He doesn't care and we don't need their BS in our lives at all. Not interested. Life is too short!

  3. I love your boss and the way she shows her appreciation. A very well deserved bonus! I have a 7 year younger sister and I love her to the moon and back. We have different personalities but we do get along very well and I know, that is a true blessing. She has an autoimmune disease that seems under control for the time being and I pray every day for her health.

    1. She is the best boss anyone could ever ask for, that's for sure. That is great you and you sister get along. Whenever my DH talks to his little sis or brother on the phone, he always tells them he loves them when he says goodbye.

  4. Ugh. Family drama is never any fun. I'm from a family of 7, and grew up with all of them. A few of us get along great. The others not so much. If only we could pick our relatives the way we do with friends.

    I am thrilled for you getting such a great bonus! I'm sure with everything you have going on with the house, you'll put it to good use. Funny about all the miles it traveled before reaching you.

    1. it is strange how some siblings can just go off and do their own thing with out much thought back to the family they grew up with and that so many seem to have different views of growing up in same house

  5. Just wondering, doesn't your company have direct deposit for payroll checks? Every place I've worked for the last 25 years, had direct deposit. Would save a lot of worry and angst.

    1. we do direct deposit for regular payroll checks but the company owner's have always liked to have live bonus checks that they can hand out. I am going to see if I can have mine direct deposited next time.
