Wednesday, March 21, 2018

Yesterday - the picture edition

Well, the construction loan paperwork has been signed. I am still a bit amazed how easy their paperwork process was. I've never had a loan that easy to process. We met the banker lady at a branch in the city, got all signed, and then we had another guy open up a new checking account for us. While it's not 100% convenient to bank in the city - at least we now have a bank in the same state! LOL. I need to get online with them this morning and get my online banking set up. I'm going to wait until I get the debit card in the mail before I have my paycheck direct deposited there. I need to be able to have access to the money as soon as I deposit it.

After we left the bank we went to Staples to pick up a few office supplies. I'm like oh hey, while I'm here, lets get me an new office chair (that I am being reimbursed for). So I sat in every chair like Goldilocks. I finally decided on this one. It's really comfortable, especially for back support.

And looks so much better than my old chair
Then we went next door to the grocery store. We had forgotten to bring our cooler and cold bags when we left the house. Shoot! We bought two more cold bags and got what we could, though skipped most of the frozen stuff and milk. I have to go back to the city on Friday, for a doctor appointment, so I will get the rest of it then.

We got back home and put away the groceries and then headed back out to the property to see how the guy was coming along with the rockery. He was able to hire a helper guy, since DH couldn't be there yesterday. Every time we drive down the main street through town DH comments on this old Ford pickup some guy has parked on the side of the street, that DH just loves. Well, turns out it was that helper guy's truck. So, DH told him if he ever decides to sell it, let him know. LOL. Really nice guy, very friendly and chatty. Sure saved DH some sore muscles having him do the work. Worth the $15 an hour.

The guys were working away and also were able to get one of our huge brush piles burned down all day. This month and next month we don't need a burn permit. While they were working DH and I walked around the brush pile and picked up branches and sticks to throw onto it. Cleaned up the area quite a bit. But OH MY BACK! too much bending over.
It's really hard to get good pictures of the rockery, since there is no depth to the pictures. He was able to get all around the curve of the driveway added.
Look at that muddy mess. That's from the snow melting the past few days. It looks like it will probably be a couple of weeks before excavating for foundations can start.  I think today's plan is they had a roller delivered yesterday afternoon and are going to get the area where our back patio will be all rolled and compacted.

On the drive to the city I heard a radio advertisement for a home and garden show in the city this weekend. I said we should go to that. It's free admission with a canned food donation. That will be 3 trips to the city in one week. Eek. We'll see if we feel like going to it when the weekend gets here.


  1. I'd say you were in need of a new chair! We missed our local home and garden show this year. Bummer. They are always interesting to go to. Your rock wall looks amazing!

    1. I don't think we've ever been to a home and garden show. They of course had them where we used to live, but that would have been way to many people, traffic and parking to deal with. I am in love with the rockery.

  2. What a great idea to donate canned food and then get into the show for free. They'll still make money anyway as I'm sure there'll be plenty of opportunity to buy stuff. Anna

  3. Admission vs. canned food donations is a fantastic way to get more people to the shows, with the added benefit of helping feed hungry tummies.I used to go to the home and garden shows, but my next house will be moving down rather than up so I am not exactly in the demo for all the bells and whistles you find there.

    1. it would be nice to see if there are some ideas that are new to us

  4. Lowe's nursery is the nearest to a home and garden show I have been in Love the wall. If you turn your cameral so you get a landscape instead of portrait frame, maybe you can get a better picture. But, it looks good the way it is. Even with that picture, maybe cutting it would help. I do not envy you that muddy mess! Good thing about the progress you are making on the loan front.

    1. Lowe's is about my nearest thing too LOL. DH took the pics, so I gots what I got. haha. I didn't feel like walking out into the muck (though I did have mud boots on) to take pictures.

    2. The pictures gave me a good idea. I don't blame you for not walking in that mud. He might have had to come pull you loose.
