Monday, March 5, 2018

Cabinets, friends, bread and taxes

It was a nice relaxing weekend. We never did see our friend, who passed through. On his way into the city he didn't have enough time to stop for a visit, and we were getting ready to leave for our appointment with the cabinet lady, anyway. We told her our changes, mainly taking out the center island and she will get us new quote and 3-D drawing in a week or so. Should save us some money.

Then we drove into the city to Harbor Freight and bought a bunch of tools DH will need for putting in the water lines and stuff at the property. He had gone through their little mailer catalog and actually clipped coupons! But he forgot to clip the 20% off one item coupon, so I cut that one out. Like I told him, if he buys something that's $40 dollars, it's an $8 savings - that pays for our gas for the trip to the city. The most expensive item he bought was $30, but still saved $6, plus his other coupon savings. That's all we did in the city. Stopped at Wendy's for an early dinner and headed home.

DH called his friend around 5pm to see where he was/what he was doing and he was already headed back home and past our town. That's a long drive to do in one day! Like 15-16 hours total.

Saturday morning we talked about finding something to go do. Checked the roads again up to the waterfall place, but still no good. By the time DH got off the couch and in the shower it was 1pm! We just stayed home.  Sunday we did at least get out of the house. I needed some milk and bread at the little store (which they were totally out of breads. GRR!). We drove down to a boat launch to let the dogs run around and let DH play with his drone some more. It was a bit breezy and kept getting worse. He decided to bring it down and right after he got it landed the wind kicked up crazy and it started snowing sideways. We got to the car just in time,  haha.

My mom mailed me her tax forms so I could re-do her taxes. I'm basically just entering in all the info, as if I were doing her actual return (that's already been submitted) so I can see what the difference is, from what her neighbor did. I always do it one day, set it aside and come back the next day and double check my work. Well, I was comparing to her last year return I did and noticed the dividends I added for this years return (that's what she thought her neighbor missed putting on her return) say 2016 on the paperwork! Omg. I don't know how she got that mixed in with her 2017 forms her investment company sent her. So, now I'm waiting until it's a bit later this morning, so she's up and about, to call her and figure this out. I supposed it's possible she didn't even have a 1099-DIV for 2017 from her investment company. If that is the case, then her tax return is correct. If it's not, then I need the form from 2017. LOL. I'm sure she'll be totally confused when I try to explain to her. If it's too much confusion, I'm just going to tell her not to worry about it. She has 3 years to file an amended return, and I can look through her paperwork next time I am over there, probably within next few months.

She told me the reason she had this gal do her taxes, was she thought she could sit there and watch her and maybe do them herself next year.  This is the exact same thing she said to me each year that I was living near her and did her taxes. No, she's not going to do it. She barely even knows how to use the computer and get on the internet! C'mon lady! You are almost 80 years old - you don't need to do your own tax return anymore (nor should you!) LOL


  1. I think an island would be an annoyance in a kitchen. However, I do want a moveable island, one made of a dresser or something, on lockable legs with wheels. I would like one to put my dehydrator on but not have it in my face all the time. I may be wrong.

    Your weather was changeable. Glad he got the drone down before the wind got it.

    I do admire your mother's attitude that she can learn to do her own taxes, but not knowing how to use a computer makes that impossible. Thankfully, you are willing to help her. I have never, ever done my own taxes. Husband did them and then after the divorce, I paid someone to do it. There are other things I can do. Taxes? They just scare me.

    1. We had a small island on wheels in our old kitchen. I'm not sure why it was on wheels, there was no where you could move it to LOL. We moved into that house in our mid 20's...back when we'd have parties and some drinking. You know how everyone likes to stand in the kitchen? Inevitably, some drunk person would lean up against it and there it went and down they went!

  2. When I was reading Linda's commnet, my first thought was someone leaning on the ocunter and bam. Funny to read your reply to her comment. We don't have an island, but wish I did. We've been thinking for 27 years what might work like an Island for extra counter space and a place to set a couple stools, but each time we think of something or see something, talk ourselves out. I love the dressers as island look. All that storage.

    1. I always found the island annoying to always have to walk around. The fridge was on one side of it and the oven and sink on other

    2. I have a pretty big kitchen and have an island on wheels, but it also has locking brakes. It takes a couple of pretty big people leaning on it to get it to move and even then it just shifts slightly

  3. I felt so bad for my mom when she called this morning and told me she forgot to save all the work she had done on her taxes.She was almost finished but got frustrated when she couldn't find where to put her Estimated Tax payments and shut it down without saving. I offered to email the paper forms (that's what she is used to) but shes a trooper and said she will tray again.

    1. Awww. Poor poor mom. Hopefully it won't take her too long to redo it
