Sunday, March 25, 2018

A pretty good day

There was no work going on at our property yesterday, but we went out there so I could see the progress on the back wall and DH had some new measurements to take. We listened to two of the 4 dogs barking non-stop for the 45 minutes we were there. Between that stressing us out (hard to remember measurement numbers and hold a conversation when that's in your ear over and over) and DH stressing over how long it's going to take the ground to dry up so we can dig, we left with DH in a crabby mood.

It was lunch time, so we decided to drive over to the little burger drive thru in the next town and get lunch. Pulled over in the little park behind the burger place and ate and then drove the back way home, staying off the freeway. The dogs feet were pretty muddy from the property (we have a blanket in the back of the car they lay on), so we stopped at the boat launch and let them get their feet washed off in the river. That was much easier than trying to clean them at home, haha!

The drive home helped calm dh down. The weather and mud is what it is. Can't change it. It will all get built eventually.

A couple hours later I remembered I had bought those tickets to the high school "dinner and a play". We decided to go. I don't think either of us really wanted to (unsocial homebodies that we are), but we knew it would probably end up being something we enjoyed and we really did enjoy it. Cute, funny little play they (all 9 of them in the drama club) did. Dinner was by a new local cafe and not too bad. We only live about 3 blocks from the high school, so we just walked there and back.

DH has been having really bad muscle cramps the past couple of days. Too much activity. He really shouldn't have helped neighbor across the street like he did earlier last week, and then all our own stuff he did at the property. Hopefully he will take today to rest up, since they are back at the rockery tomorrow. We've talked about going to the home and garden show today, but I'm going to try to just tell him he needs to stay home and rest, if he wants to go.


  1. Dogs barking non-stop would get on my last nerve! I wonder how builders will get along with these dogs. At least the day ended on a good note.

    1. if the neighbors are home, they will get the dogs to stop....but when they aren't home, then I guess they don't think it's happening. But like you said, the day got better.

  2. I hope for your sake the neighbors do something about the dogs and their barking. You have a such a peaceful setting and I hope those dogs don't continue taking away from the peace.

    The play sounds like fun and a good way to support the school.

    1. That's exactly what we think - it's such a peaceful place. We certainly wouldn't do anything to disrupt our neighbors peacefulness and I hope they can figure out what to do about the dogs. It's mostly the two that are the same breed (must be a barking type). One is still almost a puppy. Honestly, we were surprised when she got the 4th dog..I guess the covenant of "2 dogs" doesn't apply LOL
