Tuesday, March 13, 2018

Lenders, banks, and gates

Aside from the appraisal taking so darn long to get done, the actual dealing with this lender has been really easy. Every other time I (or someone I know) has had to deal with a mortgage loan, it's endless requests for documents.... and documents for the documents. I have not had that at all. I sent them what they requested in the beginning, and that has been it. I keep waiting for it to still happen. Another more recent bank statement needed.... An explanation for this or that....what's this deposit or this payment on your bank statement... Of course, I still have 8 days until closing, so it's possible they will still be doing that.  I'm sure the day before they will start bombarding me with more documents the underwriter's suddenly need.

Over the past year my credit score has steadily been going up about a point a month or so. At the time I put in my loan application it was 743. Literally within days of them running the credit check on me it dropped to 735. I thought that credit inquiries for big loans, like mortgages was not supposed to lower your credit score? Hmph. It has now (in 2 months since I applied) gone back up to 741, so I guess no harm. I just wanted to keep it over 740, LOL.

It sounds like the builder wants to come out this week or next to stake out for the foundations. Hopefully he'll stick to what he is saying and not delay.  DH called the excavating guy to let him know we'll be able to start after the 20th. He's ready to get started, he says. He's also going to be doing the excavating for the couple that bought lot #7. They are just waiting on better weather, as we are now too.

Today DH is figuring out some gate posts. I thought he had figured it all out/priced it all out over the winter, but here he is, freaking out about it and how much the gate companies want for the stuff. He needs like 4 posts and just those parts are like over $200 each online. He decided to give the guy a call who lives down the road about a mile (our next nearest neighbor haha) from where we will build our house. We met him once before and he has a machine shop business. DH called him up to ask him if he could weld/make the posts. He said yep, if you have some drawings for me on what you need, no problem. DH does, so he is taking them out to him this morning. I'm sure it will be much cheaper this way.

When we were at the property on Saturday he was trying to figure out where to move the downed trees, to get them out of the way (until the guy can come saw them up) of the excavating. I suggested out in front of our property, on the other side of the road. There is a big strip of land between our road and the main road, that is also our property. Why not just have them moved out there, parallel with the road? Then they are completely out of your way. He agreed that would be the best plan and make it easier for the saw guy to get to them when he does it. When the equipment operator guy brings out the machine to finish the rockery, he can drag the trees over there.

Two or 3 months ago DH bought some ammunition online that had a $60 rebate. That check came yesterday. I had forgotten all about it. I can't get it to scan to deposit to mobile banking. We've already decided that when we are at the bank next week, signing our construction loan papers, we are going to open up a checking account there. I need a "local" bank. While there isn't a branch here in our tiny town, at least it's in the city and not over 400 miles away, LOL.  I don't want to use one of the two banks in our town anyway. Too much gossipy people, plus our property neighbor is a teller at one of the banks.  She doesn't need to know how much money we have.


  1. Had to laugh about a main bank branch being over 400 miles away. Our primary account from which we pay the majority of our bills is just that. As a result, we also ended opening an account with a nearby credit union for cashing my small checks.

    I'm glad your bank isn't giving you the runaround with your mortgage. Were you able to lock in a decent rate? My FICO score also went down a bit with our refi but is already back up.

    1. Actually there is a branch in Idaho LOL. So only 100 miles away. Still not convenient. I have two issues w/not having a local bank. I can't get cash out easily, when needed (rarely, but sometimes do) and I can't mobile deposit a check over $2000. My bonus checks are live and over that amount. We are first getting the construction loan (interest only) rate at 3.95% - eh. We can't lock into a full mortgage until we get it all built, from my understanding. Our luck it will go way up by then :(

    2. Isn't living out in the boonies great?! Lol I think your rate of 3.95% is still very good. Hopefully the rates will still be decent when you lock into a full mortgage.

    3. Gosh my rate is 1.4% in France (but for a mortgage in Swiss francs). Isn't it weird how different our lives are. And also, talking about hubby buying ammunition online. Wow! Not sure that would EVER be possible here. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

    4. well, for now we can still buy ammo. I'm glad he bought it when he did. The price always goes up after a mass shooting, with people thinking they are going to ban it or make harder to get. Even my DD has a gun and a conceal carry license. She's a good shot :) I don't really like shooting guns, but I'm glad she's comfortable with it and will go to the shooting range to practice every so often.

  2. I had a friend who was a bank teller. She entertained me all the time with how much money everyone in town had and how much they owed to whom. I was horrified.

    1. Yes, she knew it was against the rules. She also worked as a pharmacist tech and told me who was taking what drug for what, and who the druggies were. She worked as a checker in a grocery store and encouraged me to use coupons that were not for the product I bought. I did not. They forced her on a week vacation and the coupon use dropped by 75%. She had a daughter who was 15 and slept with the youth pastor. She could not understand why anyone thought it was wrong. No, she was no longer a friend after I found out all this.

    2. that's exactly what I'm afraid of! This town is way too small LOL.

    3. wow! she sounds like a mess. Not trustworthy at all.
