Friday, March 30, 2018

more stones?

Today is my half work day Friday (every other Friday) and payday. Starting out good! LOL

DH just got a call from his millionaire friend. They have sold their millions of dollars ranch with AMAZING huge (think of those kind you would see in a magazine or Pinterest dreams) log home (10,000 sf home). Anyway, they are clearing their stuff off the property and he called to tell DH he has 4 pallets of stone leftover, that they had used on their fireplaces, that we are welcome to have, if we want to use it in our house. He said it's "river rock", so it might not be what we are looking for. When I think of river rock I think of rounded style rocks and we are going for the "rubble" squared off look. I can't remember what their fireplace looked like (I was just in awe over the whole house haha) but we are going to run out to his place this afternoon at take a look. I hope it's something we like - FREE would be great.   Keep your fingers crossed.

DH used his drone quite a bit this week out at the property. A couple of other guys were there (the guy that actually owns the backhoe and another guy - mostly I think there just being nosy, haha) and they were like "oh, I gotta get one of those!". One of the videos our equipment operator guy tried to "snap" at the drone with the bucket. It's cute. Reminds me of a dinosaur, haha.

Gave DH his hair cut this morning. Since I just posted about that is one of the ways we save money, it reminded me, while I was buzzing the hair off his head, hey, I'm saving money.

MIL is doing somewhat better, but is still in the hospital. She was breathing on her own, but still not quite back to normal enough to release her, I guess. At least the breathing tube is out. And honestly, having her there is easier on FIL because once she gets home and is going to need even more care than she has, he's going to get worn out quick. At some point they are going to have to realize they need assisted living.

The rockery is done. The ground has dried up a lot and now DH is just waiting for the builder to get out there, stake out the foundation, so the excavating company guy can get started. This same guy just did the foundation dig out for the people building down on lot 7.

We had some great visitors last night after dinner!
There were actually 7 of them. They started out in the back yard across our alley and made their way out front of our house. We must have watched them for a 1/2 an hour. So cool.


  1. I would love to see the video of the heavy equipment trying to catch the drone!

    1. I wish I knew how to get a clip of it off his video LOL.

  2. What a generous offer! Even if you don't want to use them in your house, perhaps they might make for a good fire pit or something else.

    1. that's what we are thinking, fire pit or a small waterfall garden feature we want to eventually do.
