Sunday, March 11, 2018

Sunday funday

I think Linda at Practical Parsimony hit the nail on the head in regards to my big mystery carpet stain. It was obviously still down into the padding (a lot) and when I started using my new Dyson is when I really started noticing the stain. I was like what the heck? I'm vacuuming and it looks worse?! Well, whatever the stain was, still in the padding, was apparently getting sucked up into the carpet by my good vacuum.

My use of my little green machine yesterday did help, but I realized I did not put enough solution in the water. Plus, it said it might take repeated cleanings. Today I did it again, with the right amount of solution. And I really really spent a lot of time sucking up the water/solution up from the carpet. The water sucked up was still gross, but at least it wasn't black, like yesterday. I think I'm going to keep on doing it, until it sucks up somewhat clear water. I'll give it another go next weekend. Hopefully it will at least get light, like when we first moved in. The carpet is variegated browns, so it does cover stains pretty well.

After DH got back from the rock quarry yesterday, we decided to go out to the property and take a look at snow melt, as it's really warmed up this past week. We could now drive into where our driveway starts. Still snow on the ground, but it's going away and DH thinks the ground can be dug up now. The neighbor dogs weren't too bad, for a change. They all came out their doggy door, as soon as we pulled in, barking up a storm. But after about 5 minutes or so they all settled down and for the most part were just relaxing in their dog pen/run watching us. That was much better.

We took naps when we got home. Then we decided to go out to dinner. We had celebrating to do! (we don't drink though LOL). DD's engagement and the green light to build our dream house. We had a nice dinner and on the drive back  home got to see about 100 head of elk just grazing in a field alongside the freeway.

Today we've just been playing it by ear. DH got out his table saw on the picnic bench and is cutting up some boards for one of his upcoming projects. It's pretty warm out - a sweatshirt will do, which is a nice change. I was getting low on some groceries, so I ran over to the store here in town. Again they were out of bread we like. I didn't really need a loaf, but I was going to pick one up to freeze, if they had it.

A couple of high school boys knocked on our door yesterday. They were with the high school drama club and selling ticket to "dinner and a play" for $15 ea. I'm not for certain we will go, but they were so sweet, I couldn't say no. If nothing else, it supports their club. It does sound like fun though and I'll have to talk DH into going.


  1. Hopefully the dogs after seeing you more often, will settle down. Constant barking would grate on my nerves. Cheryl

    1. that's what we are really hoping, that once it's an every day thing for them they will get used to it.

  2. You are finally moving in the right direction! It is going to be fun hearing what you get done and when! At least there is no more waiting for the appraisal.

    1. It's exciting and scary! Have to make sure we stick to our construction budget. My #1 goal.
