Friday, March 2, 2018

The things we do (or don't do) for friends

So, this friend we might see today/this weekend. Ahhh....sometimes you just gotta say no. We've known him quite a few years. A single guy, never married, mid/ate 40's. He and DH probably keep in touch once a month or so. Ever have a friend who is like opposite your personality? That's this guy, LOL. He's very loud and outgoing. We're not. But, the friendship works.

He's a self employed auto mechanic.. Last year he was working on a friends car, that he needed to keep overnight, so was giving friend a lift home. When they got there, he got out, too, so he could visit with the guys wife a few minutes, as she was coming out her front door, along with her dog. As he got out of his car their dog attacked him, biting his hand up. Quite a lot of nerve damage. It's his dominant hand too. It's been hard for him to do his mechanic work. Supposedly he's supposed to be getting some huge insurance settlement in the near future. He's all but shut down is auto repair shop.

Before that happened though, he had told DH of his plan to buy property near us that he can eventually move to, when he retires. He wants like 100+ acres, up in the mountains, live off the grid. Basically he'd be a hermit, for the most part. I think that is still his plan, though it might be happening earlier, if/when he gets his settlement money.

A couple months ago he went to Florida and bought a damaged pick up truck. A tree fell on top of the back half of the crew cab, from the hurricane. It was like almost a brand new truck. He brought it home, put on a new cab, repainted it and basically now has a brand new truck for way less than an $80,000 pick up costs. Only thing the state he lives in won't let him title/license it. I don't get all the details on it (something to do with it being salvage vehicle), but for whatever reason, he can't get that done there.

BUT, he apparently could get it titled/licensed in our state. But in some convoluted fashion he'd need to also have a driver's license to license it here. I don't know, it was getting all confusing as he kept calling DH to try to figure out a way to do this. First he wanted to use our address to get his driver's license. Well, in this state you have to get the license in the county you live in. DH told him, there's no way that would fly under the radar here. There are 800 people in our town. Everybody knows everything. It would be totally obvious this is a scam. It's not like going to a license place over where we used to live, where even one of the many licensing offices processes hundreds of licenses a day. Then he wanted to know if he could sell us this truck, we title/register it and then sell it back to him.  Sorry, no can do! We have a good excuse. We're in the middle of our construction/mortgage loan - we can't be buying/selling anything major.

I guess he has another friend that live in this state, in another county, and he's going to do it for him. So, he's on his way over tomorrow morning to do the first step. Get a driver's license. Whatever. Just glad we are not part of any of it. If he has time to stop by and say hello, great. Haha!

In some ways he reminds me of my uncle. Always having these "plans" to do this and that, that never happen. I learned years ago to let my uncle's "plans" go in one ear and out the other. For the past year this friend has been saying almost every time DH talks to him "I'm coming over next month to look at property"....still waiting. LOL.


  1. He sounds like he means well. Talking is better than sitting in a recliner and moving only to use the remote. Wonder why he never married. We are all being protected by these laws, but this sounds ridiculous. I would not be involved it this scheme for whatever reason. I doubt the scheme works, anyway.

    1. He does mean well and is a nice guy. Not sure why he's never married. We've known him about 10 years and he's had a couple of girlfriends, very short lived and nothing serious.

  2. We call them gunners here. Gonna do this, gonna do that...

  3. I find people with big plans even if there is no action enjoyable. They are usually entertaining at the least.

    1. He's a great guy. And my uncle is an extremely enjoyable personality,too. Very entertaining.

  4. I think just about everybody has come across someone like this. Or they will.
    It's kind of sad actually but it's better to stay out of his "plans". He'll be OK. :)

    1. yes, he'll figure out it one way or the other. Just glad we aren't a part of it.

  5. Good thing you had an excuse! I don't think I'd want to get involved with this either.

    1. I'm glad we had a good excuse too. DH has trouble saying no when people ask favors, so this was and easy way for him to say no
